May 7, 2007 10:06 pm US/Central

Bill Would Give Illegal Immigrants Driving Rights

(CBS) CARPENTERSVILLE, Ill. A proposal to give Illinois driving privileges to undocumented immigrants drew heated debate Monday night at a public hearing in Carpentersville.

The crowd of 60 people mostly opposed the bill that has passed the Illinois House and moved to the Senate.

The legislation would make undocumented drivers eligible for a driving certificate and insurance.

“I believe we have to stop rewarding illegal aliens for their criminal behavior,” said Carpentersville trustee Paul Humpfer. “This bill rewards them for what they have done wrong.”

“There's a lot of good people that are looking to live a good life teach their kids the good life also to be responsible and to have insurance and a drivers license to be responsible,” said Sylvia Realzola of the Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.

Earlier Monday immigration rights activists in Chicago made passage of the bill a high priority. They unveiled stacks of new voter registration papers to show politicians they can wield their power at the polls.