An East Texas Businessman Talks About New Illegal Immigrant Regulation

It's a crackdown on illegal immigrants-- firing workers with questionable social security numbers-- and it could soon become mandatory for businesses of all sizes.

The Homeland Security Department could soon make new rules public that would do just that.

"We have a production rose company. We started in business in 1953," said Mark Chamblee of Chamblee Rose Nursery. He employs 28 at his family nursery, "It would affect me, yes."

He and many other East Texans will be affected by a proposed Homeland Security change .

"We would be expected to terminate that employee if their information is incorrect."

The rule, as drafted, would require employers to fire any worker within 60 days who can't verify themselves to be a legal worker.

Mark has a few workers he may have to let go.

"We are hoping, and as a member of the agricultural society. That we can get something provided to us from the federal government that is a workable solution to the problem."

Mark says there needs to be a way for employers to help their workers become citizens legally.

"It would be worth it as an employer for a valuable employee that I have invested a lot of time and training into the system if there was a way possible," says Mark.

It's an investment Mark says has worked well in the past.

This has already affected an East Texas employer. Pilgrim's Pride confirms they recently fired employees at two plants. Once the rules are in place employers who don't comply could face fines from $250 to $10,000 per incident.

Danielle Capper, Reporting.