February 15, 2008

Clinton And Villaraigosa: The Downside Of Hispandering
By Joe Guzzardi

[VDARE.com note: Hispandering is a term meaning "pandering to Hispanics." It was invented by Mickey Kaus in 2002, and we immediately adopted it in place of Hispano-Pander, which we'd been using previously. Hispano-Pander sounded too much like a classic automobile.]

When I watch immigration enthusiast politicians spouting nonsense from coast to coast, one question—with two variations—keeps rolling over in my mind:

- Who advises them?

- And why do they listen to the advice they get? Or why don’t they seek out better counsel in the first place?

Here’s a prominent example from this summer. As she has every year for as long as I can remember, Sen. Dianne Feinstein predicted that without an immigrant guest worker program, crops would rot in the field and California would suffer untold billions of dollars of losses.

Is there no one on Feinstein’s staff to whisper in her ear: “Senator, we’ve used this one for over a decade. No one is listening because nothing is rottingâ€