Cold-blooded ICE agents leave child motherless!
Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de Aztlan

Los Angeles, Alta California - August 20, 2007 - The USA might as well return the Statute of Liberty back to France. The inscription that the USA placed on its base is nothing but a lie. It was meant only for "White" immigrants from Europe.

Yesterday, callous federal ICE agents went to the Mexican historic center of Los Angeles to arrest an immigrant from Mexico, Elvira Arellano, as she left the oldest church in the city named "Iglesia de Nuestra Señora Reina de Los Angeles". The church was built by the Mexican founders of Los Angeles before the city and Alta California was confiscated by the Anglo invaders.

This just might be the spark that immigration reform activists have been waiting for that will help mobilize a massive civil disobedience movement on both sides of the border. According to the Rev. Walter Coleman, pastor of Adalberto United Methodist Church in Chicago, Elvira Arellano is now just across the border where she will be organizing from an undisclosed location. Elvira Arellano is truly a courageous and determined woman who deserves to be compared to Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks is credited with sparking the civil rights movement that changed, for the better, the lives of millions of African-Americans.

Elvira Arellano was torn apart from her 8 year old son Saul. Saul is a USA citizen and had to be left behind in care of the church. The child was with his mother when she was carted away by ICE. According to Ema Lozano who was with the besieged mother during the arrest, "She calmed him down, hugged him and gave him a blessing." This is one reason why the USA has lost the respect of the world, but what can you expect from a country that is responsible for the murder of over 600,000 human beings in Iraq?

The USA has now become a nation of lies! This is especially true in regards to the justifications the government utilized to attack Iraq. Another big lie is what is inscribed on that famous statute on Ellis Island that says, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"