More Stories You Didn't See on FOX News Last Week
Reported by Marie Therese - June 17, 2007 - 8 comments

News Hounds Guest Blogger Bill Corcoran has let us all know just what important military news FOX managed to overlook last week. Now, it's time for a list of just a few of the other stories you didn't see covered by FOX News Channel's "hard-hitting, hard news" shows.

Did you know that embedded in the 800 pages of the Immigration Bill is a requirement for a national workers' I.D. card? I didn't until I happened to catch a Chris Matthews segment on MSNBC. Here's what the ACLU has to say about it:

"The proposed legislation would require every job applicant in America to have their eligibility to work verified by the DHS, using the error-plagued Employment Eligibility Verification System (EEVS). EEVS creates a massive government database containing extraordinary amounts of personal information on everyone in America, tied to each individual’s Social Security number. If DHS makes a mistake in determining work eligibility, there will be virtually no way to challenge the error or recover lost wages due to the bill’s prohibitions on judicial review.

"As a part of EEVS, every person in America would be forced to carry a hardened Social Security card perhaps containing biometric information about the cardholder - essentially a national ID - and present a Real ID-compliant driver’s license to get any new job. The proposed legislation also expands current practice of expedited removal. The ACLU noted that these policies do nothing to solve the problems of illegal immigration and violate the fundamental American value of due process." ... t_week.php