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Congressman Tancredo Endorses Luis Alvarez
Contributed by: Luis Alvarez on 9/11/2006

This week, my campaign received news that U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo has endorsed my candidacy for State Senate District 24.

I had the incredible opportunity to sit down with Congressman Tancredo at his home on Tuesday evening at which he offered his endorsement for my campaign. Congressman Tancredo is hailed by many as a progressive authority on immigration reform. I'm humbled and honored that he knows that I'm the best candidate in Senate District 24 to carry the torch for immigration reform in Colorado.

In his endorsement, Congressman Tancredo said, "Curbing illegal immigration is crucial to the security of our country, and that's why we need strong leaders like Luis Alvarez in the State Senate. As your State Senator, Luis Alvarez will ensure that illegal immigrants don't receive taxpayer supported non-emergency services. Luis Alvarez is our best hope for advancing immigration reform in Senate District 24, and that's why I'm proud to endorse Luis Alvarez for Colorado's State Senate."

I think everyone will agree that illegal immigration is a serious problem that not only drains taxpayer resources from our state, but also threatens the fabric of our country's morale.

I strongly believe that our state's efforts to address immigration reform are not nearly adequate to address this growing problem. When elected as your State Senator, I pledge that I will give full attention to this growing problem. Specifically:

I oppose extending non-emergency taxpayer-funded services to illegal immigrants.

I support efforts to strengthen our borders to curb the influx of illegal immigrants.

One of the challenges have been how to make more stringent employee identification by business apply to existing employees and not merely newly hired ones without a huge cost to taxpayers and businesses. I support measures that would reward companies that take action to ensure that all of their employees are legal, not just those who are new.
Immigration is a key issue in this campaign. As voters, I encourage you to study the facts. I'm sure in the end that you'll agree with Congressman Tancredo that I am the best choice in Senate District 24 to make landmark advances in immigration policy in the State Senate.

Thank you again for your support, and I ask for your vote in November.