Connecticut group pushes for immigration reform

Posted Apr. 10, 2007
6:45 PM

(New Haven-WTNH) _ The push for immigration reform was on the move today as groups traveled to congressional offices urging lawmakers to take action.

The activists are looking for permanent residency status for immigrant workers and their families and claim that the current climate has people deported easily.

"We are looking at conditions that are just getting worse and worse for immigrants," said Anna-Maria Hernandez of Hartford.

Hernandez met up with Senator Joe Lieberman's staff to share stories of how undocumented immigrants are being taken advantage of. They want Lieberman to raise his voice for a guest worker program that would give undocumented workers time to gain citizenship.

Ted Pechinski of the group Southern Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Reform, sees things a lot differently. He wants the government to enforce the laws all ready on the books.

What right do they have to come into this country illegally and demand that they get everything and more then legal citizens," said Pechinski. "My grandparents came over from Poland and they had to wait. They had to wait to get into the country and then when they got into the country they had to be sponsored. They had to do everything right."

President Bush is looking to reform immigration law too. He wants a temporary worker program that resolves the status of millions of illegal immigrants all ready in the country.

Some government estimates say the number of undocumented people in Connecticut is near 40,000.