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Debbie Schlussel: "Conservative" Catholic Law School Aids/Abets Illegal Aliens

By Debbie Schlussel

When Domino's Pizza founder and billionaire Tom Monaghan set up Ave Maria School of Law, he claimed it was because all other Catholic law schools were liberal, and he wanted a conservative one.

So, given that, what the heck is conservative about helping illegal aliens? That's the latest project of Ave Maria School of Law, which makes it . . . just like all the other liberal Catholic law schools. Question for our many conservative Catholic readers who are against illegal immigration: Is there any Catholic belief whatsoever that requires aiding and abetting illegal aliens?

More from "People Making News" in today's Detroit Free Press:

Bridgette Carr, an assistant clinical professor of law at Ave Maria School of Law, was named director of the law school's asylum and immigrant rights law clinic.

These Parties Aid & Abet . . .

(Tom Monaghan)

The Illegal Alien Invasion of America

Here's more from the June 20th Detroit Spews:

The Asylum and Immigrant Rights Law Clinic at Ave Maria School of Law has named Bridgette Carr director. Carr, an assistant clinical professor of law, will now oversee the clinic,

established in 2004 to provide pro bono services to immigrants in search of asylum and legal services.

Teaching those little kiddy lawyers-to-be how to help those illegal aliens. Because, G-d knows, there aren't enough immigration attorneys, right?

The Ave Maria School of Law website is cute, too. It calls illegal aliens and their children not "illegal," but the typical liberal "undocumented." We note that Ave Maria provides lawyers to the children of illegal immigrants, so they can fight deportation. Gee, that's the same thing uber-lefty, pro-Palestinian Angelina Jolie supports. Hardly conservative. And definitely NOT good for America.

It's bad enough that Tom Monaghan and his paid stooge, Joe Cella, keep sticking their fingers into the Bush judicial nomination pie and mucking it up with outrageously horrid nominations like that of porn-addict, terror-sympathizer Stephen Murphy III a/k/a Abu Porno. Now, he's helping illegal aliens with profits from pizza you bought, enabling him to sell the company for gazillions.

Thanks, Tom Monaghan, for helping the invasion and ultimate destruction of our country.

Oh, and by the way, even though he long ago sold Domino's, Monaghan still has an office at the company and maintains many strong ties and connections with it. He even owns much of the property utilized by and surrounding Domino's Ann Arbor, Michigan headquarters. Don't buy Domino's. We can't afford to finance more illegal aliens working the system.

Avoid the Noid. His name is Tom Monaghan. And his pizza is Domino's (a/k/a the cardboard-flavored pizza).