I assume, and correct me if I'm wrong, that "foreign nationals" is another semi-clever euphemism for illegal aliens.


Sunday, October 14, 2007
Cop gang fighter: 'We're not in denial'
Rally aimed at alerting youth, parents to problem

By Patrick Wilson

Winston-Salem police continued their efforts to make the community aware of a growing gang presence by joining a community program yesterday aimed at children.

The Black Political Awareness League was host to a gang-prevention program at Blum-Blanding Park off East 25th Street with speakers, skits and free food.

Sgt. Mike Weaver, the head of the police department’s 10-member gang task force, noticed gang graffiti from three different gangs on the picnic shelter at the park.

“This is something new in the community. I say ‘new’ because it’s being recognized now,â€