This whackjob is absolute scum of the earth

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Dean: Illegal immigrant voting not a problem
Posted by The Oregonian Politics Team October 5, 2006 13:37
Oregonian Politics Updates Index

Howard Dean, the Democratic National chairman, called The Oregonian Thursday to talk about the party's plan to hold a big canvassing operation around the state this Saturday. But he mostly seemed interested in talking about Republican Ron Saxton's ad attacking Gov. Ted Kulongoski on the immigration issue.

Dean said he was particularly irked at Saxton's charge that illegal immigrants are obtaining driver's licenses in Oregon that they then use to be able to vote in elections. "There's never been any evidence of that whatsoever," said Dean, arguing that Republicans are really interested in discouraging less-affluent citizens from voting.

Saxton defended his immigration ad anew Thursday, saying he remains convinced that Oregon should do more to keep illegal immigrants from getting driver's licenses.

Dean said that the Democratic Party will do a better job of reaching out to Democrats in rural areas and small towns this year. He's pushed the party to extend its geographical outreach - to the extent that some Democratic leaders of Congress are worried it will take resources away from competitive congressional districts.

-Jeff Mapes