Democrat Governor Sounds Like Republicans: Close The Southern Border Mr. President

FRIDAY, FEB 02, 2024 - 07:20 PM

Democrats are beginning to sound like Republicans about the need to restore common sense southern border security, recognizing that the large-scale migrant invasion their party (plus taxpayer-funded NGOs) allowed could jeopardize President Biden's re-election prospects in November.

On Friday morning, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont, a Democrat, joined Bloomberg TV, admitting Democrats were "a little slow" in responding to the border crisis.

A little slow? Let's try horrendously slow; as a recent opinion piece in The Hill from Merill Matthews, a scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, said, "another 10 million have entered during Biden's presidency."

Back to Lamont's interview:

"We gotta be a lot stricter on the border," he said, adding, "Maybe Democrats were a little slow to get up to speed on this. Some of us from this part of the region, we weren't hit as hard by this early on. I think we all know where we gotta be on this."



Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont says he's hoping that President Biden closes the border. "I can't figure out why they're pulling back now saying it's not that much of an emergency."

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8:13 AM · Feb 2, 2024

With illegals overwhelming Border Patrol on the southern border and sanctuary cities across the Lower 48, as well as, just this week, beating up cops in New York City, the president's polling data has greatly suffered as Americans are furious with Democrat's intentional border failures.

Meanwhile, the border dispute with Biden and Texas has led to 26 Republican attorneys general demanding the White House "enforce the laws that secure the southern border."

Democrats are recognizing the tide is going out, and they must quickly pivot from open borders to closed borders to stay afloat come November.