Here is my e-mail to the writer of this article. I'm so mad right now!

"I had read your article in this morning's news paper and I'm highy disgusted. The Miami Herald should be writing about news. Not about some hispanic woman and her family that's here illegally, is wanted by I.C.E., and avoided being caught. They did something illegal and that's why they're wanted. It's amazing how this so called "news paper" writes sob stories about illegal hispanics 24-7. I had written and so has my mom about our immigration situation. You guys never wrote a story about us. This is going to be my 2nd time being seperated from my father and mother. I bet that you guys don't even care because I'm doing everything by the rules, and because I'm from Canada.

I refuse to buy your paper anymore. I'm quitting my subscription tomorrow morning. You guys at the Miami Herald are discriminative against other cultures. I'm not saying racist because Hispanics are NOT A RACE! You're a geographical region! Get it straight!"