How much more of this incompetent nonsense can America endure and still survive?

DHS Terrorist Alert: Jihad Coming to America via Mexico

By John Lillpop
Thursday, May 27, 2010

After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, securing America’s porous borders with Mexico should have been an urgent priority of the federal government.

After all, America was at war and everyone knew that the U.S.-Mexico border was a potentially dangerous portal for those who would wish to do harm to our citizens.

Unfortunately, politicians from both parties were more concerned with providing greedy corporate moguls with a constant flow of cheap labor and Democrats with a steady flow of new voters than they were with the well- being of the American people.

In the view of some, America was blessed when our borders and immigration laws were violated by millions of non-English speaking, uneducated, and unskilled illegal aliens.

After all, those who came were “hard-working, good-heartedâ€