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Thread: Donald Trump on Immigration: Only Undocumented Latinos Dislike Trump, but They Don't

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  1. #1
    Administrator Jean's Avatar
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    Donald Trump on Immigration: Only Undocumented Latinos Dislike Trump, but They Don't

    Donald Trump on Immigration: Only Undocumented Latinos Dislike Trump, but They Don't Matter, Says Adviser

    By Andre PugIie
    First Posted: Dec 11, 2015 01:19 PM EST

    Donald Trump's controversial comments about Hispanics have had an impact among undocumented immigrants -- but not those Latinos who hold legal status in the United States, a close adviser to the Republican Party's presidential front-runner claimed this week.

    Michael Cohen, a lawyer whom Yahoo News described as "a longtime member of Trump's inner circle," told the website that many Hispanics -- often considered a key demographic in upcoming White House races, might still support the real-estate tycoon turned presidential candidate.

    "There are coalitions and I'm talking about now like Hispanic coalitions that ...will not support Trump," Cohen predicted. "And that's OK because the ones that don't like Trump aren't even here legally and they can't vote, so it doesn't really matter, right?"

    Cohen currently serves as executive vice president and special counsel to the mogul, The Hill pointed out. Analyzing the political outlook, however, the attorney admitted that the Trump campaign might not be able to win the White House without support from at least some American minorities.

    "You can't win a general election if your mindset is on the Southern, white, Christian coalition," he said. "You need them, but you need the minority communities as well."

    And, in fact, Trump is already focusing on winning over African Americans, Cohen added.

    "Our goal is 100 percent" of the black electorate, he revealed. "Or, to flip what has historically been the Democrats' 93 percent. That's Mr. Trump's goal."

    Adding to the fuel caused by Trump's remarks -- the former "Apprentice" star had said that Mexico was responsible for bringing "criminals" and "rapists" to the U.S. -- Cohen suggested that although their views did not matter in the Trump camp's electoral math, he could understand the feelings of undocumented immigrants facing deportation.

    "I understand their point of view," Cohen admitted. "They do not want to be asked to leave, right? And go back where? Go back to their homes? You know they don't want to, so I understand."
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Correct! Illegal aliens don't matter, because a) they're in our country illegally b) are not our responsibility c) are not citizens and d) can not and should not vote.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Captainron's Avatar
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    Look at the requirements for even legal immigrants to stay here. They have to be really clean and stay out of trouble! I am betting that a high percentage of them don't, but they are not being found out. Committing AND assisting, aiding, abetting or colluding in crimes of moral turpitude or aggravated felonies (broadly defined by Congress) are automatic deportation. If there is even financial fraud of more than 10 grand, it's out, too! I have seen so many instances where the legal immigrants have joined up to hire illegals, and thus make more money off the American system.

    Once they become citizens they can't be deported.
    "Men of low degree are vanity, Men of high degree are a lie. " David
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    It's an outrage. The most despicable situation for a government to create against its citizens. That's why the Founders didn't give the federal government any authority over immigration other than to prevent it, and left that power to rest with the States, balanced by the check of the federal government to prohibit it after the year 1808. Article 1, Section 9, US Constitution.

    We must bring our government in line with the Constitution and stop these unconstitutional federal immigration admissions.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  5. #5
    Senior Member Goldendaze's Avatar
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    Here's the catch though. ABC channel 13 in Houston Texas keeps putting out clips to encourage everyone to register to vote. One of the things the station is stressing is that one does NOT need any ID to register or to vote. Channel 13 also announces that they are in cooperation with Univision. Texas voter laws do require ID....sort of. You can register and then vote completely illegally on voting day. If after 6 days, no ID is confirmed, then that illegal vote does not count.

    So if the vote doesn't count, then what are we worried about? Well, the media and the establishment dedicated to destroying this country understand the psychology. "People" naturally want to back a winner. Say a voter is monitoring early voting tabulations. Say that on election day a working class person must wait until quitting time to go vote. By 5:00 that afternoon it appears that Cruz is winning. So the voter decides not to "waste" his vote on Trump. He'll go ahead and vote for Cruz. Then after the completion of the election is tallied, the votes have been split, the illegal votes have been cast aside and now Rubio is the Republican nominee. What freakin' nightmare!

    And let's not forget. Illegals are responsible for the majority of Social Security fraud and ID theft. You think illegals aren't getting fake ID's? Think again. The volunteers at the election houses do not have a picture of you, only your name and address. And since many voters don't even turn out, all it would take is a phone book or internet access to to create fake ID's and cast as many votes as possible. I'd bet just about anyone could make a convincing registration card using their home computer and some stock card paper.

    Trust me. I know how criminal these illegals are. Back around 2007 there was this Mexican that worked for a subcontractor on my job that drove a '98 Buick. The Buick had a paper tag license. After about 2 months, I asked him when the dealership was going to issue him permanent plates. He replied, "I buy these paper ones at the flea market so I don't have to pay for registration." Doesn't that just piss you off! I soon started to notice old junk cars with paper plates being driven by Mexicans everywhere! They don't belong here, with millions of them here, they wear down our roads and my registration fees pay for the repairs! Just another way they're costing us tax dollars. My damn registration is over $62.00 a year now for each vehicle!

    -Stop the invasion with mass deportation!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Captainron's Avatar
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    Take time to report illegals who are unlicensed contractors; you can do it in your state by finding out the agency that registers construction contractors. If you see a site where it "appears" that there are a number of illegals it is quite possible that they are either 1. An unlicensed company or 2. People working for a company not authorized to have employees. I have been doing this in my state for the last few years and have had successes, where the illegals got booted off (sort of) and the jobs were stopped, until the owner got registered contractors. I say "sort of" because these state agencies do not enforce immigration laws. But typically illegal aliens are not true licensed contractors and it is the state's job to put them out of business. Once I know the address or approximate address it only takes me a few minutes to make the complaint online and a few days for the state investigator to get there. They have a lot to do.

    If everyone did this illegals doing construction jobs would go away. Like I say the states aren't enforcing immigration laws---but these people are usually not state licensed. Our state also combines its contractors board with state employment laws, so their powers got a little broader.
    "Men of low degree are vanity, Men of high degree are a lie. " David
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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