From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Friday July 7 3 p.m. CDT

Pres. Bush reaffirms his commitment to massive increases in immigration


Our 200,000-strong loose-knit NumbersUSA network of citizens cannot let up on our pressure on Members of Congress this month.

The full power of the U.S. Presidency and the White House once again was pledged this morning to drastically increase the flow of foreign workers into our communities and our occupations.

In his televised press conference from Chicago, Pres. Bush:

1. Mischaracterized our goals by suggesting that our side -- and the U.S. House of Representatives -- is pushing for mass roundups of illegal aliens and immediate deportations of 12 million illegal aliens.

2, Claimed his plan is not an amnesty even though it would give immediate legal residency in the U.S to the 12 million illegal aliens and the eventual granting of U.S. citizenship after paying a fine.

3. Said the answer to slowing down illegal immigration is to allow any American company to hire any willing foreign worker. We assume he would require some kind of safeguard for American workers, but he didn't specify any.

4. Called for quick agreement by the House and Senate on a "comprehensive" immigration bill, which always means an amnesty and an increase in annual green cards, along with better enforcement.

Pres. Bush is so out of touch with Americans on this issue that he dared to bring up his controversial solutions after saying he had spent last evening with Chicago business leaders and the Chamber of Commerce. He expressed surprise that these business leaders were saying that "comprehensive" immigration reform was a high priority for them.

Hmmmm. Do you supposed that Mr. Bush forgot that his open borders immigration plan was first proposed to him by the Chamber of Commerce?

The important thing is that all of you need to do everything possible to embolden Members of the House to continue to oppose Bush and the Senate bill -- and to stand firm in pushing forward H.R. 4437 passed by the House last December. The House bill would strengthen enforcement in many ways and begin an attrition that would lead to most current illegal aliens going to their home countries over time.

That is the option that Mr. Bush failed to mention this morning.


The most powerful thing you can do is to attend any meeting at which your Senator or Representative is present over these next two months.

Please check your Action Buffet corkboard for thumbtacked Action Notes that:

1. Ask you to report to us any meetings that are coming up.

2. Tell you about an upcoming meeting and give you details for attending.

Go to the Action Buffet at:

You may never have attended a public meeting -- or town hall meeting -- like this before. But you can do good, regardless of your experience.

You can applaud or make sounds of agreement when others express our opinion for immigration reduction.

You can ask a question? You can shout out a comment across a crowd.

You can carry a sign.

You can take printed copies of the Member's Immigration Grade Cards and pass them out to others in attendance.


I recently sent you an email we got from a congressional staffer who described a closed-door speech by Speaker of the House Hastert. He explained that he was slowing down the Senate/Bush amnesty plan because of a town hall meeting he recently had in which every question and comment but one was about immigration -- from our point of view!

Those of you who attended the meeting turned Hastert around at that one event!

He went from being a loyalist of Bush on immigration to taking our side -- because of one meeting in his District in which enough of you showed up to convince him that our side is the best side to be on if you want to control Congress next year.

The rest of you must convince your own Members of Congress of the same thing.

I'm especially hopeful for those of you with Democratic Members.

Most Democratic Members who have competitive races this fall have been voting our way.

But we need a lot of the safe-seat Democrats to come around, too.

They may not have electoral reasons to do so. But they all want to be loved. Only you can put enough pressure on these Democrats at the public events to make them re-think their open-borders, pro-Bush, pro-Chamber of Commerce immigration stances.

Shame the Democrats into standing up for American workers again.


-- ROY