Share The American Dream - Deport The Kids

With Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Assistant Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) leading the way with the U.S. Senate’s latest balls-to-the-wall lunge for immigration overhaul in a less than comprehensive, piecemeal fashion failed once again. This dynamic duo’s attempted to drag the festering carcass of a long-dead amnesty back to the floor under the provisions of Senate Rule XIV which would allow it to be brought back without having been debated in committee and the attempt to obtain cloture on the DREAM Act amnesty (S. 2205) went down in a 52-44 vote where 60 YES votes would have been required to prevent a filibuster.

Harry Reid has argued that “children should not be penalized for the actions of their parents. Many of the children come here when they’re very, very young; many don’t even remember their home countries or speak the language of their home countries, What good does it do anybody to prevent these young people from having a future?â€