Four Arrested In ICE Raids To Speak Out
07-21-2008 10:44 AM

(Providence, RI) -- Four of the people arrested in the immigration raids at six Rhode Island courthouses plan to tell their side of the story today. Gustavo Cabrera, Lucy Contreras, Dolly Guerrero and Irma Perez will gather at the Dexter Training Grounds at Armory Park at 3 p.m. to send the message that they are not criminals, but rather people who have done what is required to survive. Last week, federal immigration officials arrested 31 suspected illegal immigrants employed as custodians by two cleaning companies that hold at least 45 janitorial contracts across state government. Authorities say many of them used counterfeit documents to obtain their jobs with TriState Enterprises and Falcon Maintenance.

It dosen't matter the law is the law, what happens to the people that they steal the social security numbers from, what about their quality of life.