Family Torn Apart
Amanda Perez

My comment: Another example of illegal aliens having anchor babies while illegally in the U.S. and using those anchor babies to try to stay in the U.S. I, for one, could care less that families are torn apart from this ploy. In fact, I'm glad they are. If more illegal aliens with anchor babies were deported, it might give pause to them coming over here illegally and having babies.

Fresno (KFSN) — Two south valley teens are fighting to get their parents back after they were deported by immigration and customs enforcement.

Adding to their frustration is a large amount of money their parents paid — for what turned out to be bad legal advice.

An 18 year old Dinuba girl has set aside her dream of graduating from high school and is now caring for her younger brother.

Family members say her parents paid more than $30,000 to a man who claimed to be an immigration attorney.

18 year old Stephanie Grajeda wants her parents back. Her parents, Gerardo and Angelica, were deported back in December, leaving her alone to care for her 13 year old brother, Christopher as well as her own nine month old daughter.

“Ii was devastated. I had to leave school. I’m planning on going back but I had to drop out right now because it’s just every day you know phones for different things, meetings I have go to,â€