I live in Prince William County, VA. Today in the mail I got a book called Prince William County Reports. In it is an article called "University of Virgina Analyzes Impact of Immigration Policy". I found a link to the full version of it, I'll type a few of the high lights listed in the book I got in the mail.

http://www.virginia.edu/surveys/Project ... 18.10s.pdf

1) Aggravated assault declined substantially since the policy was announced

2)There was a sharp decline in serious hit and run accidents

3)The policy provides a reasonable method for addressing the illegal
immigration issue in the community

4)The police reputation was not irreparably damaged

5)Prince William County is viewed by its residents, regardless of race
or ethnicity, as inclusive and as a great place to live

6)There is no evidence of racial profiling

7)The fear of costly litigation stemming from the policy never materialized

There was no exodus of legal immigrants, and the largest immigrant
population (Hispanics) remained stable

Those were the high lights, each had an explanation with it but I'm in a hurry so I didn't type it all up. I tried to cut n paste from the article but it wouldn't let me and I don't have time to play with it right now. Hope I put this in the right place, I posted it to show that some of the "concerns" about enforcing immigration laws have been proven false.