Day laborers banned in part of Lake Worth?

Last Update: 11/06 11:16 pm

The police chief calls it tackling a slice of Lake Worth's much larger immigration issue.

Tuesday night, city commissioners voted in support of an ordinance that would ban day-laborers from two busy streets.

The ordinance would pin fines and jail time on employers caught picking up day-laborers on Lake and Lucerne Avenues.

Business owners feel the workers scare away customers.

The mayor supports the proposal, calling the hundreds of people standing on the busy roads a danger.

Opponents feel the ban would just force the laborers to move somewhere else.

The mayor acknowledges that, and admits, the idea isn't perfect.

Mayor Jeff Clemens tells NewsChannel 5, "this is definitely not the ultimate or final solution. At least by moving them off Lake and Lucerne, at least we're creating a better traffic flow on our main street, but long term there's gonna have to be the creation of a day labor center or something."

Within the next the few weeks, the commission will begin plans for a center where workers can safely find day-jobs.

The ordinance will go to a final vote on November 20th.