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Foe of illegal-immigrant restrictions joins race for Farmers Branch council

02:25 PM CDT on Monday, March 9, 2009

By STEPHANIE SANDOVAL / The Dallas Morning News

One of the most vocal opponents of efforts in Farmers Branch to ban property rentals to illegal immigrants is running for the City Council.

Elizabeth Villafranca plans to file this afternoon for the Place 3 spot being vacated by Jim Smith.

Villafranca, 45, said this morning that her campaign will focus on fiscal responsibility. She is opposed to a $55 million bond package that will also go before voters on May 9. Most of that, $30 million, will be for economic development, revitalization and redevelopment. Four other propositions include funding to replace the existing library, replace a fire station, build a city park and expand the senior center.

Villafranca, owner of Cuquita’s restaurant in Farmers Branch, has been a staunch opponent of the three unsuccessful efforts to largely ban illegal immigrants from renting apartments and homes in the city. One of those efforts was repealed. A second was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge, and the third is tied up in litigation.

Michelle Holmes, 41, is the only other person to have filed for the Place 3 seat.

The filing deadline is 5 p.m. today.

In Place 5, incumbent Ben Robinson, 71, a staunch supporter of the city’s illegal-immigration efforts, faces Matt Wenthold, 52. Wenthold was ousted recently by the City Council from the library board after he criticized the council. Among other things, he said the “policy of divisivenessâ€