I am a Georgia resident. I have worked with many illegal immigrants in particular Mexicans. They don't support our govt, our values, they have no respect for our laws or our citizens. Do people think these new laws scare the illegals? Most of them are sitting back laughing. They work under the table for rinky dink contractors who also work under the table, making it nearly impossible to catch them. The new laws are going to target major corporations and the larger companies who hire illegals. So they lose thier food stamps and thier welfare checks, they live 4 and 5 families per household, and thier bills are nothing! That was merely a bonus to them. They will still have jobs and still make money.

What we need to do is go after every bank that lends them money or allows them to hold accounts, every realtor that sells or rents them a home, every car lot that puts them into a vehicle, every insurance company that sells them insurance, every apartment complex that rents them a place to live, every utility company who allows them to get service, every credit card company that issues them credit, every aspect of services rendered to them. In every case there is an application process. How much harder could it be to simply ask for proof of citizenship? We need to make it impossible for them to maintain life as usual. This and only this (aside from deportation) will detour them.

Our govt will tell us they don't have the resources or the funding to do this. If they would crack down on the specific companies that I mentioned, they could impose heavy fines and whalah there's your funding. Don't let them fool you, we can spend hundreds of billions of dollars freeing a country like Iraq (who could give a crap less about us) but we don't have the funding to clean up our own country!!

Something for thought: Every county across this great nation has hundreds of school busses that are just sitting in parking lots during the summer months. Put them to use and start deporting!!! A tank ful of gas, a sack lunch.. Send them packing....OR.... Pass stiffer laws, give them a three month deadline to clear out or face imprisonment. They will get themselves back on thier own!! I don't feel the least bit bad about criminalizing and punishing them. They are breaking the law by being here. The laws of our constitution were made to protect the citizens of this country, not for the illegals to use against us.

I'm sick of all of it. I want my country back and I want the people of this nation to have thier jobs and the security of thier government. This country is quickly falling apart!! We as citizens need to put pressure on our government to get control and remedy this situation before it gets to far gone. If the Mexicans can put the pressure on, so can we!!