
Goldwater Declares Candidacy For Governor
By Christian Palmer

The nephew of Arizona conservative icon Barry Goldwater declared his intent to challenge Governor Napolitano in 2006 by registering as a candidate with the Secretary of State’s Office before delivering a speech on the House lawn on August 2.

Don Goldwater, a Republican Party chairman for District 16, hopes to unseat Ms. Napolitano, who he says is leading Arizona in the “wrong direction.� He further blasted Ms. Napolitano for failing to implement the provisions of Proposition 200, something he called, “an outrageous abuse of power.�

He cited illegal immigration as Arizona’s number one problem, calling it the source of environmental damage, nation-leading property crime rates, job losses and monetary damages to hospitals and schools.

“I will work with all levels of state and local law enforcement to help coordinate training with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency so our local law enforcement officials can more effectively work to protect Arizonans in their homes, workplaces and recreational sites,� said Mr. Goldwater, a former board member of the Goldwater Institute, an Arizona-based conservative think-tank. He resigned July 29 from a job at the Arizona Department of Administration.

He also said that the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were a result of failed amnesty programs for illegal immigrants implemented in the 1980s.
Promising a return to “fundamental principples of limited government, economic freedom and individual liberty,� he said that he would reduce taxes and cut government waste on “legislation and executive orders that promote political ambitions and produce nothing for the citizens of Arizona.�

Mr. Goldwater also told the crowd that he was adamant about his support of school choice programs.

“As consumers, we have the liberty to choose where we shop for food and clothing, what doctor we wish to use, who we wish to purchase a vehicle from and where we choose to live. We must have the same freedom in our schools.�

A crowd of about 20 supporters joined Mr. Goldwater, including Sens. Thayer Vershoor, R-22; and Jack Harper, R-4, and Reps. Judy Burges, R-4, Jerry Weiers, R-12, Rick Murphy, R-9; and Andy Biggs, R-22.

“It’s time we put some integrity on the ninth floor,� said Ms. Burges. “We can’t afford to lose.�

Phil Corbell, who ran the last two campaigns of Rep. Weiers, heads Mr. Goldwater’s campaign committee, Goldwater for Governor. Mr. Corbell also served on the Barry Goldwater presidential campaign in Georgia in 1964. Mr. Goldwater won the state of Georgia but eventually lost the presidency to Democrat Lyndon Johnson.

Mr. Corbell pledged that Mr. Goldwater would be running a campaign using public funds.

“We’re going to see another big win here with Don Goldwater,� he said.

Mr. Goldwater’s rivals include former state Senate President John Greene and political newcomer Teresa Ottesen of Scottsdale. Others considering a run include Senate President Ken Bennett and Rep. Russell Pearce.

The primary election is Sept. 12, 2006. â€â€