by Robert B. Bluey
Posted Dec 15, 2005

U.S. Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R.-Ariz.) said Thursday that Mexican President Vicente Fox should “shut up� about his opposition to a proposed U.S.-Mexico border fence.

Fox on Wednesday called the idea of a fence “disgraceful and shameful.�

“I’m going to step away from diplomatic rules and offer President Fox some straight talk: President Fox should shut up,� Hayworth told HUMAN EVENTS. “He should shut up about all of this because he is only fanning the flames of poor relations between our two nations. He needs to cease and desist.�

Hayworth continued: “What’s disgraceful is President Fox presuming to lecture the United States on how best to protect itself against an invasion -- an invasion that has his wholehearted advocacy. . . . He needs to stop his advocacy of an invasion of his countrymen into our nation. What’s shameful is that, as the president of the Republic of Mexico, he does nothing to stem this invasion. He actively endorses it.�

Speaking Wednesday in the Tamaulipas state bordering Texas, Fox said: “The disgraceful and shameful construction of walls, the increasing enforcement of security systems and increasing violation of human rights and labor rights will not protect the economy of the United States.�

The House of Representatives, as early as today, will consider an amendment to the fast-moving Republican immigration reform bill. Sponsored by Armed Services Chairman Duncan Hunter (R.-Calif.), the amendment mandates the construction of a fence along the U.S.-Mexico border and requires a study of possible physical barriers along the U.S.-Canada border.

Colin Hanna, president of, said Fox’s comments could ultimately backfire.

“President Fox’s belligerent statements are not helpful, and are certainly not the remarks of a statesman, never mind an American ally,� Hanna said. “We hear reports that the Mexican military and government officials are actually helping illegal aliens cross the border. If President Fox really wanted to help, he would turn his attention toward ways to stop the official and unofficial fostering of the massive tide of illegal immigration.�