This article will make you laugh.

While this U.S. Senate debate springs from imagination, TV viewers of congress may note here and there a kernel of truth.

Illegal immigration is an issue about which both political parties lack the will and courage to enforce existing laws. Instead they waste time trying please all and offend none, an impossible task.

Still, as they sneer and jeer at each other across the aisle, there are some interesting things to observe. One is the role of presiding officer, shared and rotated amongst all senators, with whoever occupying the chair being addressed as Mr. or Madame President.

“Mr. President!”

“For what purpose does the gentlewoman from Nowhere rise?”

“Mr. President, I rise to offer Bill S11 which will quickly solve our borders difficulties. My staff and I have concluded the major problem is that illegal immigrants lack a readily visible and positive warning they are entering our country illegally.

“S11 authorizes such a warning device by constructing two coast-to-coast, 100-foot-wide strips of cleared land, one at each borders, north and south. These strips, proudly painted with our national colors, red, white and blue, would absolutely alert those seeking a new life in our wonderful nation that they were about to break the law and I am confident this would cause them to turn back and seek entrance through legal channels..

The rest of the article. ... lumns9.txt