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Thread: Governor Abbott Takes Action To Combat Illegal Border Crossings

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  1. #1
    Super Moderator Newmexican's Avatar
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    Governor Abbott Takes Action To Combat Illegal Border Crossings

    Press release from the Office of he Governor, Greg Abbot

    Governor Abbott Takes Action To Combat Illegal Border Crossings

    Tuesday, December 15, 2015Austin, TexasPress Release

    With the significant increase in the number of illegal crossings across the Texas border, Governor Greg Abbott today took action in the wake of federal inaction.
    “In September, I warned Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson ‘about the significant increase in unaccompanied minors who are once again pouring across our border,’” said Governor Abbott. “I asked for his ‘immediate and bold action to prevent this from escalating into an uncontrollable crisis.’ Despite the warning – followed by a phone discussion about the matter – my request for more border patrol agents and strategic resources to secure the border were ignored. Now, the concern I warned about has turned into reality: A substantial spike in illegal crossings has occurred at a particularly unsuspecting time, once again challenging Texas’ security and resources. The Federal Government compounded its negligence by failing to give advance notice so that the state and local governments could prepare for the Obama administration’s unilateral decision to relocate nearly a thousand foreign nationals in Texas.”

    Across the Texas border, apprehensions through October and November are on average two to three times higher than last year. In the Big Bend sector, unaccompanied minor arrivals for that period has increased almost tenfold. In the Rio Grande sector, it doubled from 3,219 to 6,465, according to U.S. Border Patrol data.

    “Texas will not sit idle in the face of this challenge,” Governor Abbott added. “We will not be victimized as a state by a federal government’s apathetic response to border security.”

    To respond to this challenge, Governor Abbott announced he is taking the following actions:

    • Extend the deployment of the National Guard troops at strategic locations on the border intended to reduce illegal entry;
    • Instruct the Texas Department of Public Safety to coordinate with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department to increase the number of boats and tactical officers at strategic locations on the Rio Grande River;
    • Instruct the Department of Public Safety to increase aerial observation missions to aid interdiction efforts;
    • Award Grants to support the Border Prosecution Unit;
    • Provide Grants to Ellis and Rockwall Counties to aid their efforts to respond to the unexpected relocation of unaccompanied minors to their counties.
    • Re-urge the Department of Homeland Security to increase border patrol agents in Texas.

    “I am grateful to the dedicated men and women of the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Texas National Guard for their service to our states’ border security efforts,” Governor Abbott said. “Thanks to their commitment, Texas is doing everything in its power to secure our border.”

    These actions will augment the more than 100 DPS officers who will be deployed in 2015 to the border region as a result of the border security plan passed by the Texas Legislature. Additional DPS officers will be deployed as fast as their training can be completed until they reach the full complement of 250 additional troopers contemplated by the new law.

    “This action would not be necessary if the federal government fulfilled its obligation to secure our nation’s border,” Governor Abbott continued. “The problem is compounded by drug cartels and transnational gang enterprises that are involved in this illegal cross-border activity—including human smuggling. My first and foremost responsibility as Governor is to protect the citizens of Texas, with or without the federal government’s help.”


    Border Security Law
    In the most recent legislative session, Texas passed the toughest border security plan of any state in the nation. The State is implementing the law that became effective in September. As part of the plan, more than $800 million has been appropriated over the next two years to add more resources and place 250 permanent Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers on the border. By the end of 2015, more than 100 DPS troopers will have been deployed to the border region, along with additional law enforcement resources, including air and marine assets.

    Border Prosecution Unit
    The Office of the Governor has provided $4.2 million in grant funds to support the Border Prosecution Unit made up of 17 district and county attorneys within the Texas border region to focus on cases involving narcotics, weapons, human trafficking, organized crime, gangs, and other border-related offenses. On December 10, 2015 the Office of the Governor along with members of the Border Prosecution Unit entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate and cooperate in the prosecution of border crime.

    Governor’s Criminal Justice Division Grants
    The Office of the Governor will provide up to $200,000 in Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds to support increased law enforcement activities, including overtime for law enforcement, or other related critical security needs associated with the placement of Central American nationals and unaccompanied minors in Ellis and Rockwall Counties.

    Local Border Security
    The Office of the Governor will provide $4.7 million in grant funds to support increased overtime and operating costs for law enforcement operating within the border region to enhance efforts to detect, deter, and disrupt drug, human, and other contraband trafficking created by the close proximity to the Texas/Mexico border.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    GO TEXAS!! And who said states can't enforce US immigration law and secure our borders?!

    Thank you Texas! Texas doing the job the Feds refuse to do.

    Thank you Governor Abbott!
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Goldendaze's Avatar
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    Jul 2015
    Yep. I'm so proud that he's MY Governor!


    Thank you Newmexican for posting this.

    If Abbott can do this on our soil at the border, I think he can do it on our concrete in the cities.

  4. #4
    Administrator Jean's Avatar
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    ‘Texas Will Not Sit Idle’ as Feds Allow Flood of Foreigners into State, Says Governor

    by BOB PRICE
    16 Dec 2015

    AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Governor Greg Abbott said he will not sit idle while the federal government allows the flood of illegal alien children and families to flood into the state. Abbott ordered the state’s National Guard to remain in place along the Texas-Mexican border.

    The order from the governor comes after the federal government failed, once again, to secure the border and prevent the new surge of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) and incomplete families who have surged to high levels over the past two months.

    The guard had been scheduled to phase out of its border mission as more law enforcement resources became available. The massive increase over the past two months led Abbott to order the continuation of the mission.

    In September, Governor Abbott sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson warning him of the growing numbers of illegal immigrant children and families being observed by Texas officials, Breitbart Texas’ Ildefonso Ortiz reported.

    “I asked for his ‘immediate and bold action to prevent this from escalating into an uncontrollable crisis,’” Governor Abbott said in a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas. “Despite the warning – followed by a phone discussion about the matter – my request for more border patrol agents and strategic resources to secure the border were ignored.”

    “Now, the concern I warned about has turned into reality: A substantial spike in illegal crossings has occurred at a particularly unsuspecting time, once again challenging Texas’ security and resources,” the governor stated. “The Federal Government compounded its negligence by failing to give advance notice so that the state and local governments could prepare for the Obama administration’s unilateral decision to relocate nearly a thousand foreign nationals in Texas.”

    Breitbart Texas reported repeatedly about the increased numbers of children and families crossing the border and the impact on the federal government’s ability to handle these people. In October and November, the numbers of UACs has doubled the previous year’s numbers and the numbers of incomplete family units nearly tripled.

    Abbott reported the numbers of UAC arrivals in the Big Bend Sector have increased nearly tenfold.

    “Texas will not sit idle in the face of this challenge,” Abbott said. “We will not be victimized as a state by a federal government’s apathetic response to border security.”

    The governor announced the following actions in response to the federal government’s failure to plan for this surge and secure the border:

    *Extend the deployment of the National Guard troops at strategic locations on the border intended to reduce illegal entry;
    *Instruct the Texas Department of Public Safety to coordinate with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department to increase the number of boats and tactical officers at strategic locations on the Rio Grande River;
    *Instruct the Department of Public Safety to increase aerial observation missions to aid interdiction efforts;
    *Award Grants to support the Border Prosecution Unit;
    *Provide Grants to Ellis and Rockwall Counties to aid their efforts to respond to the unexpected relocation of unaccompanied minors to their counties.
    *Re-urge the Department of Homeland Security to increase border patrol agents in Texas.
    The governor expressed his continued gratitude to the men and women of the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Texas National Guard for their service in helping to secure the Texas border. “Thanks to their commitment, Texas is doing everything in its power to secure our border,” Abbott said.

    “This action would not be necessary if the federal government fulfilled its obligation to secure our nation’s border,” the governor continued. “The problem is compounded by drug cartels and transnational gang enterprises that are involved in this illegal cross-border activity—including human smuggling. My first and foremost responsibility as Governor is to protect the citizens of Texas, with or without the federal government’s help.”
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