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Posted on Sun, Jan. 01, 2006

Illegal immigrants cause problems
By Robert Pieterse

I read James Foley's Dec. 13 letter, "Officers great during sadly common situation." I am sorry to hear about his daughter and hope she will be all right.

Foley has a point. It seems that on a daily basis, we hear about illegal immigrants driving uninsured, unregistered and without licenses. When an accident happens and someone gets hurt, we all agree how terrible, something should be done. Soon we forget and go on with our day. The truth is that our country is being invaded, not by terrorists hellbent on destroying us, but by a group who is conquering us without firing a single shot. Call any business or bank today, chances are a voice service will answer you in Spanish and ask you to push a button to speak English.

Walk into any big retail store you will find most displays in Spanish. In fact, most American companies print their packages in Spanish and English, and most retailers display the Spanish. If motor vehicle problems were the only issue, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Illegal immigrants also cause problems in every aspect of our lives. We support them through our social programs, our health care and our criminal justice system - American tax dollars working to help our invaders.

Who's at fault? The American business that is willing to sell our country for sake of the dollar? The same business that in order to make a bigger profit is willing to not just hire an illegal immigrant but also bring him here and train him. Why? To pay a lower wage and deny an American worker from earning a fair day's pay.

Maybe we can blame our leaders. They scare us with tales of massive weapons and terrorists out to destroy us. They send our military to overthrow foreign governments, rebuild their countries and protect foreign borders, leaving our borders open and unprotected. Then they tell us it is for our good as a nation. It may not be politically correct, but most Islamic terrorists could pass for any illegal immigrant. It seems to me that Homeland Security should start with our borders. Maybe our government's real desire is to create new wealth for American industry by rebuilding foreign countries and creating a new voter base in America.

At one time immigrants were welcome. They came here wanting to be one of us, to share in our America. We had an immigration system that protected us, by carefully selecting those who wanted to call America home. That system needs to be working now. Our criminal justice system should allow for the arrest and deportation of all illegal immigrants. Employers who hire illegal immigrants should be prosecuted and punished. We as Americans should do our part, also: Report illegal immigrants, and turn in those who hire illegal immigrants. Most important, really think before you vote. If we want to keep [our] current way of life, and pass it on to our children, it's important that we vote for people who truly care.