IMHO, the left and MSM are using this disaster as a distraction. It takes all the public anger off Obama and gets us all in a warm fuzzy mood because we feel sorry. Meanwhile Obama and the left are pushing unpopular legislation off on all of us back in Washington DC. Be careful not to get to wrapped up in this story feeling sorry for Haiti. This is a country that has been ruled by thugs and drug dealers for a long time.

In 1770, Haiti was the richest French colony in the New World due to the immense profits from the sugar, coffee and indigo industries. In the early 1800's, former slave Toussaint L'Ouverture, lead a revolution forcing all of the white Frenchmen off the island and gaining independence from France in 1803. Since then, under slave rule, Haiti has suffered 32 coups; the instability of government and society has hampered its progress. To date, Haiti is the poorest country in the west. While surrounding countries prosper. The Haitian people continue to allow drug dealers, thugs and voodoo priests to take over their country and rule with oppression.

Nothing is going to change there regardless of how sorry we feel for them. By Obama sending the government of Haiti American taxpayer's money, we are all helping to line the pockets of dictators like current president René Préval and his drug dealing thugs and helping them to deal out more oppression to the very people they rule.