I feel like this woman has a case for unlawful termination and for slander. Calling her a "bigot!?" We have to back her up!


Apology from TRW Incorporated to La Voz de Aztlan because of an anti-Mexican hate e-mail sent by one of its employees. The employee, Stacy Polk, was fired.


TRW Space & Electronics Group
One Space Park Redondo Beach, CA 90278

June 23, 2000

Mr. Hector Carreon
La Voz de Aztlan

Dear Mr. Carreon:

Thank you for bringing to our attention the disturbing e-mail that a TRW employee sent to your organization on Wednesday morning. Although it is clear from the face of the e-mail that she did not purport to speak for TRW and was acting in her individual capacity only, we would nonetheless like to state unequivocally that the intolerant opinions she expressed in no way represent TRW's viewpoint. Our company does not tolerate attacks on any individual or group based on national origin, race, gender, religion, disability, age, or sexual preference. Moreover, TRW policy explicitly prohibits employees from using TRW computer resources to send messages of this sort. Please be assured that TRW is conducting a vigorous investigation of the situation, and will take appropriate action based on the results of that investigation.

TRW deeply regrets that the inappropriate behavior of a single employee could obscure the Company’s record as a great place to work, for Latinos and for all other members of our employee team. TRW actively supports the Latino community, and we genuinely work to increase the number of Latino engineers, scientists and other employees. Our southern California-based Space & Electronics Group has hired hundreds of Latino employees over the past few years.

Because of our longstanding commitment to Latino employees and the Latino community, it is particularly disheartening that this individual’s misuse of company property in such an inappropriate manner reflects unfavorably on TRW. Please accept our most sincere apology for any distress that this unfortunate incident may have caused you and the Latino community.


Daniel J. McClain
Director of Communications
TRW Space & Electronics Group


Hate E-mail from Stacy Polk of TRW Incorporated follows:


June 21, 2000
Stacy Polk
TRW Incorporated

Your site is nauseating and full of red, green and white vomit and I intend to do what I can to expose your group.

Don't think for one moment that this will be tolerated forever. Even people of your culture are with "us" the hateful gringos and gringas. You are a foolish and sick angry group and I pity all of you.

According to you, by the looks of some of your hateful political cartoons, we are the only "newcomers?" Your people stole land from the Indians and enslaved them. You then forced them to convert to your religious beliefs while treating them worse than animals.

I stand behind the Roger Barnett's of this Country and will do all that I can to show everyone, and I mean everyone, how EVIL your group is. People are waking up....you know it and I know it. The fight is beginning and don't ever think that EVIL wins. It can't and won't.

I'm going to try and get Glenn Spencer and your "best" spokesperson on the "O'Reilly Factor." I bet your side doesn't show, because you would be exposed for the hateful, Godless, Communists that you are. There isn't a person of your group out there that can come forward and actually say something that promotes love for this country and ALL it's peoples. You only promote lawless advancement of latino's.

I find this site repulsive and it's time to shut you down!

I guess your last effort to remove the American Patrol radio show didn't work, did it? Want to know why? Because it's truthful and truth will always win out. By the way, where DO you get your information to lie about? I want proof of the things you say about Mexican's being shot out by the Barnett's. Now, I know you don't actually say the Barnett's good name, but that's who you are referring to when you mention armed vigilante ranchers.

Citizens of this country are watching.......Central Park in New York City, Staple Center in Los Angeles and we're sick of the immature, violent behavior of the "newer" citizens.

Be prepared to look ridiculous. Be prepared for the truth. Be prepared.

Stacy Polk
TRW Incorporated

* * * * * * *

Note: TRW Inc. "fired" Stacy Polk. Also, we "nabbed" another bigot who was sending us hate e-mail. He thought he was being sneaky when he attempted to conceal the origins of his e-mail. This one came from Lockheed Martin Corporation. The letter of apology can be read at http://www.aztlan.net/lmmail.htm
We hope that these racist bigots will eventually learn to stop sending hate e-mail to La Voz de Aztlan!