Healthcare For Illegal Aliens While Military Veterans Get Short-Changed
Posted by Bernard in Illegal Immigration, Politics, U.S. Military Tuesday November 13, 2007 at 8:44 am

D.A. King, a former U.S. Marine, writes a compelling piece for the Athens Banner-Herald, on how the federal government bends to the will of the lobbying efforts of illegal aliens and their activist supporters, while short-changing America’s military veterans. It’s disgraceful what’s going on, but indicative of a government and an administration that have their priorities upside down.

Observes Mr. King:

The illegal aliens who are demanding immunity from the equal application of American border, immigration and employment laws have no problem qualifying for free medical treatment.

No means test, no questions asked. No bills.

In 1986, the year the federal government rewarded about three million illegal aliens with a “one-timeâ€