Help Wanted: 500,000 Truckers

Updated: Friday, 22 Jul 2011, 6:27 PM CDT
Published : Friday, 22 Jul 2011, 6:27 PM CDT

HOUSTON - Sit a while near the ship channel, where Highway 146 meets Barbours Cut Boulevard, and you will see lots and lots of trucks, thousands of vehicles piloted by a virtual army of drivers.

"Everything you see, touch, feel, eat, everything came on a truck," said John Stephens whose trained thousands of drivers at San Jacinto College.

Fact is, in these days of near double digit unemployment, transportation companies can't find nearly enough folks willing to take the wheel of their big rigs.

How many are needed? The industry says it could easily use another half million drivers.

"Every place that you pass is hiring drivers. It's amazing, people talking about the economy and that there are no jobs. It seems like the people ought to start going to truck driving school," said Andy Fields, a veteran driver for Pencco.

"Most of my students are hired before the end of class," confirmed Stephens who says his 6-week course is paying solid and immediate dividends.

"They can expect to make $35,000 to $45,000 the first year. I've had several of my students who've made over $60,000 the first year. It's according to how much you want to work," he said.

Henry Battles has been hauling freight for better than 20 years. He says those looking to join him on the road should know the job can be both grueling and stressful.

"The money is good, but you're not home to spend it," said Battles.

'It's a lifestyle change," confirmed Stephens.

But Fields says with 16,000 trucking firms in Texas alone, the key to a solid career is finding the right company.

"I've got a 401k and a savings plan. I've got a lot of respect for my company and they are hiring drivers by the way. We are looking for drivers too." ... z1SwtS99V9