Since we have so many new people (and welcome) on ALIPAC, I think it's important to rerun this post from April. I want everyone who is opposed to Amnesty and wants our laws enforced to know what Hillary Clinton is all about.

My Mother In Law is a "died in the wool" Democrat and walks lock step with the party on everything excpt immigration. She's watching our beautiful state being ripped apart by this scurge and has joined the fight.

We were at dinner the other night and the candidates came up in the discussion. I asked who she is leaning toward and she said Hillary Clinton. I reminded her of the attached story and that EVERY SINGLE Democrat candidate in the last debate said that we don't need a fence on the border.

It absolutely turns her inside out to think of having to vote Republican especially on the heels of this dismal failure of a President.

Read this story and share it with everyone you know who might even consider Hillary as a Presidential candidate. Her immigration intentions are crystal clear from this move.

April 12, 2007
Hillary Picks La Raza Leader As Campaign Co Chair

[b]The former president of an extremist group that organized many of the country’s disruptive pro illegal immigration marches and advocates the return of the American Southwest to Mexico will co-chair Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Best known for his radical pro Chicano work during 30 years as president of the National Council of La Raza, Raul Yzaguirre is being promoted by the Clinton campaign as a prominent Hispanic activist who will lead the New York senator’s outreach to Hispanic voters.

The reality is that Yzaguirre alienates many American citizens of Hispanic descent (in other words, those qualified to vote) with his so-called La Raza rhetoric, which has been repeatedly labeled racist.

The National Council of La Raza describes itself as the largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, but it caters to the radical Chicano movement that says California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas belong to Aztlan.

The takeover plan is referred to as the “reconquistaâ€