16 Nov 2016
Houston, TX

HOUSTON, Texas — A “F**k Trump” protest was held at the University of Houston that was billed as “A World Without Police.” It was organized by a group of the same name. DREAMers and “Undocumented! Unafraid!” activists were also part of the protest.
The flyer reads: “F**k Trump No To Hillary & All ‘Lesser Evils.”

It continues, “No one is coming to save us from these capitalist, racist and misogynist scum. We have only ourselves.”

The notice also lists a website, AWORLDWITHOUTPOLICE.ORG, and a Facebook page, FB.COM/AWORLDWITHOUTPOLICE. When checked, the listed Facebook page shows the message, “Sorry, this page isn’t available.”

“OUR PLAN,” says the organizers on the flyers in bold font and all caps is to:

Protect each other from ICE and police
Protect muslim, poc and queer folx from vigilante violence
Provide each other sanctuary
Disempower: build our capacity to rely on each other and keep cops out the hood
Disarm: defund the police and take away the weapons they use against us
Disband: abolish the police & transform society so that wealth is freely available to all!

They say “TRUMP’S PLAN” is to:

Cancel federal funding to Sanctuary Cities
Deport “more than two million criminal illegal immigrants” and ban Muslim immigrants
Build a wall at Mexican border
Increase funding to train and assist local police
Increase resources for federal law enforcement
Expand military investment
KHOU11 in Houston took video footage of the protest from their helicopter. Approximately 50 or more appeared to engage in, and/or watch the protest.

Click2Houston interviewed students who were there protesting Donald Trump but also talked to a Trump supporter wearing a red “Make America Great Again” cap. Gabe Grant told Click 2 News, “They think he’s against Hispanics, immigrants and black people. They think he’s racist, sexist, and homophobic. All that’s not true.”

(video at source link)

One of the protesters were reported to repeat a mantra that has now been adopted by the left, that they were protesting the Republican president-elect because “We are walking out against racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and xenophobia.”

Some of the protesters went further, making demands of the administration at the University of Houston. Maria Trevino Rodriguez, a student, told the local NBC television station, “We want the university administration to take a stand and make a statement against [bigotry], ensuring that the University of Houston will be a safe space for these communities that feel threatened.” Rodriquez was reported to be the vice president of “The Youth Empowerment Alliance.”

Looking at the Facebook page of “The Youth Empowerment Alliance” reveals that the group is part of the “undocumented and unafraid” movement and that DREAMers are apparently involved. This video shows a student who wants to go to law school speaking with shouts of “undocumented! – unafraid!” audible. She says she wants to be an immigration attorney.

The University of Houston responded to the demands with a “UH Diversity and Inclusion Statement.”

A third-year law student at the University, Dylan Blackwell, told Breitbart Texas that another student “used UH resources to print out the nearly two reams-worth of flyers.” He expressed the opinion that the flyers “were very politically extreme.” Blackwell said, “reviewing the flyers you will see that the protest in itself went much further than just disapproving of Trump’s proposed policies, but in fact called for something similar to 19th century Northern Mexico Anarchy and was rather extreme.”