Illegal Aliens Enslave Other Illegal Aliens
Posted by: The Watchdog in Agriculture, Crime
Translated from: El Universal

Six members of a Hispanic family of Immokalee (Florida) were accused of enslaving Mexican and Guatemalan immigrants, forcing them to work in agricultural labor, reported American authorities.

Cesar, Geovanni, Jose, Villhina, Ismael and Michael Navarrete and Antonia Zuniga Vargas are accused of harvoring undocumented immigrants for commercial benefit, document fraud and robbery of identity.

The announcement was made by the assistant attorney general of the division of civil rights Grace Chung Becker along side the director of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Julie L. Myers, and the federal public prosecutor for the medium district of Florida Robert E. O’Neill, according to a communiqué from ICE.

Cesar Navarrete and Geovanni Navarrete -according to the authorities- struck, threatened and locked in the workers in trucks in order to force them to work in the fields.

The authorities did not specify the nationality of the defendants. Nevertheless, they are accused of paying low salaries to the workers, to impose them debts and to mistreat them physically if they left their work before canceling the debts contracted.

Cesar Navarrete was also accused of re-entering the U.S. after being found guilty of a serious crime and then deported. (Illegal alien)

José Navarrete and Ismael Michael Navarrete also face charges for re-entering the country after being deported. (Illegal alien)

If they are found guilty, Geovanni and Cesar Navarrete face prison sentences of more than 200 years of prison each one.

Antonia Zuniga Vargas and Villhina Navarette face sentences of 40 years, while José and Michael Navarette could spend 42 years in jail.

The human traffic has become a priority of the Department of Justice and in the last seven years the division of civil law along with the U.S. prosecutor, have increased the number of human traffic cases processed judicially.