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  1. #1
    Senior Member FedUpinFarmersBranch's Avatar
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    Illegal immigrants take resources from citizens

    Illegal immigrants take resources from citizens
    Financial assistance unavailable for tax-paying Americans
    William Stetson

    Published: 04/28/2009


    When the speaker of the house says “no one is illegal,â€
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  2. #2
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    While it would be nice for everyone to get what they need, we live in a world where there are limited resources. With that in mind, those who pay their dues to their country must come before those who do not, and the others deserve kind treatment in their detainment and a one way ticket.
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  3. #3
    ELE is offline
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    Our Gov't is no longer a Democracy.

    It seems our Gov't is going to grant Amnesty no matter what the American people want. The Gov't is only concerned about the American people to the extent that they can intrude on the Gov't ultimate goal.

    The cost of illegals is far reaching (remember they cost us 383.3 billion dollars last year in taxes for health care, education and incarceration, alone). If Amnesty for the 12-40 million illegals is granted, we will be completely bankrupt and our resources depleted. Our country will consist of the Washington and business elite wealthy and then the rest of us poor people financially supporting the criminal elites. And, as all of the dissention and social un-rest occurs our country will become vulnerable and open to attack by foreign enemies. We will surely be overtaken, unless these events are stopped now.

    Spiritual Solution

    In my opinion, I think the solution is Spiritual, I think that we have turned our backs on God and as a country we have lost God’s blessing. He now he has turned his back on us and will let our enemies destroy us if we don't repent our sins and return to him. I have come to believe that the fight we are having with our Gov’t is a fight against good vs. evil, supernatural if you will. There is just so much corruption,lies, and deception, that can be humanely produced. I believe it comes from a very dark place. He is a wonderful man that loves God and our country! He speaks from his heart.

    I heard on Coach Dan’s radio program, that our World View has become Humanistic rather than Biblically based. He asked the following questions:

    1.Are you born again?
    2.Do you believe the bible is totally accurate?
    3.Do you think Satin is real?
    4.Do you think good works alone win you a place in heaven?
    5.Do you believe that Jesus lived a sin-less life?
    6.Do you believe that there is absolute moral truth?

    If you answered every question but question 4, yes, you have a Biblical World View. The vast majority of Americans hold a Humanistic WorldView. Therein, lies the problem according to Coach Dan, and I agree with him 100%. I would like us to pray together as a group every week at the same time and ask God to fogive our national sins ( I heard this on another radio talk show and thought it was excellent) and then pray to God to stop our Gov't from enacting Amnesty. And protect us from our evil Gov't. And pray to God to restore us to his good graces again. We need him. And personally I love God and his son.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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