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    Illegal Invaders ... p?ID=20815

    Illegal Invaders
    By Jamie Glazov | January 9, 2006

    Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Arizona State Representative Russell Pearce, the former Chief Deputy for Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and Judge. He is one of Arizona’s and the nation’s most vigilant activists on illegal immigration, securing our borders and enforcing our laws. He is recipient of the Medal of Valor, which is the highest award given in law enforcement for exceptional bravery. He was the architect of the illegal alien "Protect Arizona NOW" initiative known as Proposition 200.

    FP: Rep. Russell Pearce, welcome to Frontpage Interview. It is a privilege and honor to have you here with us.

    Pearce: Thank you for having me. I appreciate all the good work Frontpage does.

    FP: Let’s begin with your 25-year dedication to the fight against illegal immigration into this country. What danger did you perceive in this phenomenon long ago and how do you think it has played out throughout the years? What situation are we in today and what, in your perspective, needs to be done about it?

    Pearce: First of all, the concept of "illegal" has always been a fairly easy concept for me to understand. We are a nation of laws, and the Rule of Law must be honored and preserved.

    Still, as a taxpaying citizen of these United States and a resident living in an area plagued by illegal entries, I emphatically state that all the proposals of new laws and any increase in law enforcement will not stop this problem until we enforce the law. The problem we are faced with will be resolved when our government steps up and starts enforcing the laws that we already have established.

    Politicians can continue to try to dress up this problem and make it look like they are the saviors of illegal immigration and all that comes with it, like Arizona's and New Mexico’s governors declared states of emergency, but still refuse to enforce the law, or stop the giveaways to illegal aliens. However, nothing will change until those associated with the crossing, running, selling, buying, hiring and harboring of illegal aliens are prosecuted fully under our laws we currently have on our books.

    This is the bottom line and there is no way any politician or activist can defend or excuse the cost to this country daily.

    There is an inherent danger to this nation when we allow the rule of law to be ignored. I believe that is one of the first steps to the destruction of this Republic. Certainly, immigration was the not the issue 25 years ago that it is today, but clearly it was wrong and doing tremendous damage to the U.S. of America. As a young deputy sheriff, I observed the struggle of "legal" residents with those that would compete for their jobs, keep wages low and take advantage of education, which was a huge cost to taxpayers. I observed the clear and obvious criminal activity that followed the illegal immigrant movement. Why anyone would tolerate "illegal" invaders -- who take jobs, lower wages, hurt citizens, destroy neighborhoods, drive drunk, involved in gang and criminal activity --some of whom belong to groups that promote anti-American sentiment -- was and is difficult for me to understand.

    It is clear to me that the radical left believe they will change the demographic and political atmosphere of America through this illegal invasion, while the corporate oligarchy wants cheap labor. Both groups ignore the damage and cost to America and are engaged in a form of corruption.

    The answer is simple. Enforce existing laws on the books and we will solve the problem. We don’t need tougher laws or new laws. We must Secure our Borders. Hit employers who "knowingly" hire illegal aliens with the full force of the law. Demand that local law enforcement enforce our immigration laws and no longer allow them to hide behind illegal sanctuary policies. We no longer can tolerate law enforcement to be spectators to the destruction of our neighborhoods and this nation. This is a violation of their Oath of Office and constitutes malfeasance of office. Any decision by local politicians and police chiefs to not enforce the law is a political decision and has no legal basis; the Constitution and the law is clear. In addition to this we must stop the free education, free healthcare, government subsidized housing, and the clear UnConstitutional citizenship by birth to Non-Citizens. Stop the absurd, insane incentives for breaking our laws.

    Clearly and firmly, Congress has established a significant public interest in the effective enforcement of immigration law. Congress could have chosen to limit local enforcement pursuant to its plenary power over immigration, but has chosen not to do so. In the absence of a limitation on local enforcement powers, the states are bound by the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution to enforce violations of federal immigration laws. The statutory law of the United States is part of the law of each state just as if it were written into state statutory law.

    Often a misunderstanding of the relationship between federal criminal and immigration law causes one to believe being present in the U.S. in violation of immigration law is civil and "not a crime" and they are clearly wrong. The enforcement role given to local government by the Constitution and the Congress is clear. Unsanctioned entry into the United States is a crime.

    FP: Tell us the circumstances under which you received the Medal of Valor.

    Pearce: As a young deputy sheriff, I was called to a disturbance at a local weekend hangout in the town of Guadalupe, and while arresting several (5) gang members, I was shot. As I started to put handcuffs on one of them, another tried to "sick" his Doberman Pincher on me (I hit the dog in the head and he sat out the rest of the fight). One suspect was trying to kick me while I was holding the first suspect against my vehicle, cuffing him. To make a long story short, I was shot with a .357-caliber Smith & Wesson Magnum, losing my right ring finger and was shot just left of the center of my chest (I was not wearing a vest). The shot to my chest went clear through and had to be removed from my back. Although critically shot, I pursued the suspects through the alleys of Guadalupe. In fact, when backup did arrive, I was still in pursuit of the suspects. I was ordered to the hospital and was transported by a patrol car. I pursued these suspects, as they were armed and dangerous gang members and I refused to allow them to get away with their attempt on my life and my fear of who else they might injure.

    FP: You are a true hero for your noble and brave behaviour during this dangerous incident. It is a true blessing that you survived that shooting. Did you have a full recovery? Did you begin wearing a vest after that? What happened to the individual that shot you and the rest of his crew?

    Pearce: Yes, I had a full recovery, and I returned to patrol duties as quickly as the doctor would allow me to. It is probably not a good sign of my I.Q. but still I did not wear a vest after that incident. The vests back then were thicker and heavier and I chose not to wear one. However, I did have a couple of fellow officers offer to buy me one. They were not issued, nor required by the Office to wear them at that time.

    The shooter got 5 years in prison (served about 2 years), another one got about a year and was released and the others were used as witnesses and not prosecuted.

    FP: Your son, Deputy Sean Pearce, was shot by an illegal alien. I am very sorry about this. Tell us the circumstances of that terrible event and how Sean is doing today. The way this issue touched your family obviously also reinforced your commitment to this issue.

    Pearce: Talk about an ironic situation. On Dec. 16, 2004, while debating national immigration policy at the Brooking's Institute in Washington, D.C., I was given an emergency message to call my wife, LuAnne, immediately. I was informed that Sean (my son), a Maricopa County Deputy Sheriff, and another deputy were shot while serving homicide warrants in East Mesa. I was told Sean was critical and was being air-lifted to a nearby hospital. Sean, a Deputy Sheriff and SWAT Team member for Maricopa County Sheriff's Office was shot twice -- once in the chest (which his vest stopped) and once in the stomach (which went under the vest into is stomach) while serving warrants for homicide suspects. The other deputy was shot in the hand, not critical but potentially a career-ending injury. Later, I learned the shooter and suspects were illegal aliens (with Matricular cards) involved in drug trafficking and homicides.

    We almost lost our son Sean and another wonderful young man that week. LuAnne and I are blessed with a great family and wonderful friends. Our son Sean who is an 11-year member of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and a 7-year member of the SWAT Team. Sean, having recovered from his life-threatening injuries, has returned back to work at the Sheriff's Office.

    To conclude, like Hurricane Katrina, we have a massive government failure at all levels with regard to illegal immigration. Similarly, our immigration crisis is the result of malfeasance/gross negligence on the part of our federal, state and local governments.

    Chances are that "illegal" aliens kill more people every year in the United States than we lost during the Pearl Harbor Attack during World War II or the World Trade Center on 9/11.

    Citizens have a constitutional right to expect the protection of federal laws, which prohibit unauthorized activities by non-citizens. We are denied equal protection when a police department or magistrate acts in a manner that encourages or allows the unauthorized (illegal aliens) to continue in their illegal state or engage in unlawful activities.

    FP: A true blessing that your son and the other deputy survived those shootings. What happened to the individual/individuals that were part of this crime?

    Pearce: Yes, as bad as it was, they were very lucky. The shooter was an illegal alien from Mexico and was sentenced to 21 years, 15 years and 15 years to run consecutively. Others that were wanted on the homicide warrants were not home and apprehended in New Mexico a few days after the shooting.

    FP: It is absolutely insane that our law enforcement are being shot and our whole society is being damaged in so many ways because of the negligence on the part of our federal, state and local governments in enforcing existing laws. Where does this negligence come from? What agenda do you think the lib-Left has in its role in trying to frustrate border security?

    Pearce: First, it comes from our government’s failure to secure our borders and enforce our laws. This is the bottom line and there is no way any politician or activist can defend or excuse the cost to this country daily. Like Hurricane Katrina we have government failure at the federal, state and local levels.

    Second, we have the far left and the cheap labor right who have joined hands in this corrupt endeavor. We have the far left who believe they can change the political make of this nation through demographics (illegal invaders) and the cheap labor advocates (corporate oligarchy) who has a bottom line. Neither seems to care about the destruction of this nation or the Rule of Law.

    Cheap labor isn’t cheap. You and I pay the bill. Free schooling, free housing, free medical coverage, food stamps, jobs that Americans use to do, social security benefits, unconstitutional citizenship by birth to non-Americans, subsidized home mortgages, serious health issues, drug trafficking, gangs, disrespect for America, and the demand that we speak, teach, and print ballots in their language!

    Third, we have sanctuary policies that not just allow, but encourage illegal alien presence and activity. Sanctuary cities kill cops. Cops are crime victims too. Arizona's officers: Pearce, Argetsinger, Epling, Atkinson, Schecterle, Sitek, Conchos, Davis, Collings, Eggle. . .all killed or maimed at the hands of alien nationals. Every single American, in every corner of the country, is at risk from our unsecured borders.

    What part of illegal do they not understand? What part of the law are they having trouble understanding? How much crime are they willing to tolerate before they get serious? How many more billions in services can we afford?

    Look at some of the crime statistics:

    · In L.A., 95% of all outstanding warrants for homicide (over 1500) target illegal aliens.

    · In L.A., 66% of all fugitive felony warrants are for illegal aliens.

    · Largest and most violent gangs are made up of illegal aliens, the MS-13 gang (30,000 to 50,000 strong, in over 33 major cities) most violent and ruthless gang ever known.

    · The 18th street gang in L.A. is 20,000 strong made up of illegal aliens.

    Some estimates are as high as 80% of violent crime involving illegal aliens.

    4000 homicide warrants issued to those that have fled south across the border.

    Top officials at the Department of Homeland Security recently revealed that arrests for child sex crimes during the first two years of Operation Predator have exceeded 6,000 and 85 percent of them are criminal immigrants.

    The cost is in BILLIONS of dollars (nationally):

    · $70 billion in federal public benefits.

    · $200 billion annually In lost American wages.

    · 1/3 of our federal prisoners are illegals (cost $1.6 billion).

    · $1.6 billion in displaced American workers.

    · $80 billion in the war on drugs.

    · $8500 per student plus 1200 additional for English Learners in K-12 (times 1.5 million).

    · $27 billion to provide forms, ballots, interpreters and brochures for languages other than English.

    · $350 billion in unpaid taxes due to the underground workforce.

    · $2 TO 3 billion in "Earned Income Tax Credits"

    · $40.2 billion in business deductions for wage and benefits for illegals

    · We as Americans pay billions annually for educating the children of illegal aliens ($7 to $12 billion in California alone). (PEW)

    · The Center for Immigration Studies in Washington has estimated that illegal aliens have cost U.S. workers $133 billion in job loses. (PEW)

    · Food stamps and medical benefits for undocumented immigrants cost Americans some $65 billion annually. (PEW)

    · Illegals have been running up a tab of $2.5 billion annually for Medicaid alone. (PEW)

    · The American Hospital Association has said the cost of uncompensated care for patients, many of them illegal aliens, amounted to more than $21 billion a year.

    · More than 80 percent of the illegal drugs in the U.S. come across our porous borders, according to experts.

    FP: What can the average citizen do to make a change? What can each of us do to help root out this cancer? Is there any hope?

    Pearce: We are so fortunate to have a system of Government called a Constitutional Republic that enables We The People to have final say. If our elected officials fail to honor the Constitution, fail to keep their promises, fail to keep their Oath of Office or just plain do a lousy job we can and should remove them from Office. We continue to suffer from a politically transmitted disease call "Gonna re Lectum", you need to say it slow (Going to Reelect Them). If we sent a few packing, others would get the message. If they were serious we would simply enforce the law and stop talking about it.

    One example of what we can do; I was co-author of Protect Arizona NOW, known as Proposition 200 here in Arizona. And led a successful citizens effort to put a ballot proposition before the voters. A lot of hard work. The pro illegal alien lobby filed several law suites which we defeated. They spent over $1.4 million to defeat this initiative at the ballot box, making outrageous statements that were not even close to the truth, trying to make people afraid to vote for the initiative and in spite of all of that it passed overwhelmingly. The initiative did 3 things:

    #1 Proof of citizenship to register to vote. The U.S. Constitution established more than 200 years ago that only citizens may vote. The initiative requires everyone equally to prove that eligibility. The Help America Vote Act of 2002 requires states to strengthen the integrity of their voter rolls, as does Title 7, Section 12 of the Arizona Constitution.

    #2 Photo I.D. when voting. Photo I.D. is required to cash a check, apply for welfare, sign a lease, or get a rental card at a video store. Gov. Napolitano vetoed the photo I.D. bill, stating it was illegal. Yet 11 states already have laws requiring I.D. when voting. Some laws have been on the books for decades.

    #3 Proof of eligibility to receive non-federal mandated public benefits. This is already on the books. The initiative would require everyone to provide proof of eligibility equally. The Urban Institute studied this extensively in 1994, the University of Arizona in 2001, and estimated such costs to vary widely in the tens of millions of dollars.

    While the overall responsibility of Immigration policy belongs to the Federal Government, the impact of the Federal Government's failure falls on the citizens of Arizona/America. It is up to us to do something about illegal activity and its devastating impact on America. Every state can do the same thing if their elected officials refuse to enforce the law and protect taxpayers and law-abiding citizens.

    They said this initiative was divisive? Like its name says, it seeks to protect Arizona taxpayers and citizens. The only divisiveness our initiative could cause might be between those for whom laws matter and those for whom laws don't matter.

    We must secure our borders (yes, build a wall, even the Governor of Colorado called for a wall) and enforce our laws now! Currently, local law enforcement has the authority to enforce immigration laws without prior permission. Our citizens deserve it, our Constitution demands it, and our Oath of Office requires us. We have the ability, the technology, the resources we just need honest and dedicated servants to honor the Rule of Law and the will of this great nation, before any talk about a Guest Worker program.

    I do believe there is hope. We must, with compassion, but without apology enforce our immigration laws. I believe this is the number one issue/crises facing America. Illegal immigration is our Trojan Horse. Today in Arizona (and the nation mirrors this) 91% of those polled want more done on immigration. I don't believe there has ever been such a disconnect between the "elite" and the people, as there is on this issue. Yet we continue to have those in Washington and in the state legislatures pander for alternatives to enforcing the law.

    FP: Mr. Pearce it was a true honor to speak with you today. It is people like you and your family that make a true difference in protecting our country. Thank you for having put your lives on the line for defending our safety and freedom.

    Pearce: I thank you for taking the time to visit with me on this very, very important issue. I worry that we are at risk of losing our Republic. I love this country with all my heart. I believe we are so blessed to enjoy the freedoms we enjoy in this Nation. I cannot help but reflect on those great men, our Founding Fathers and the vision they had in creating this great Nation and put in place a Constitution and Bill of Rights to protect our freedoms and to limit the power of government. They pledged, “their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor,� for us. And made it clear they were willing to die to leave their posterity a nation that would survive its many challenges so their children and their children’s children could live in such a Nation. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for my Faith, my Family, my Freedom and my Country.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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    EXCELLENT ARTICLE, had_enuf!

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    Ok. Now we've found Tancredo a running mate. A former teacher and a former law enforcement officer. Both these people KNOW FIRST HAND what's happening in the US.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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    We no longer can tolerate law enforcement to be spectators to the destruction of our neighborhoods and this nation. This is a violation of their Oath of Office and constitutes malfeasance of office. Any decision by local politicians and police chiefs to not enforce the law is a political decision and has no legal basis; the Constitution and the law is clear. In addition to this we must stop the free education, free healthcare, government subsidized housing, and the clear UnConstitutional citizenship by birth to Non-Citizens. Stop the absurd, insane incentives for breaking our laws.
    I think I love this man!! Let's get him elected to an office that can reflect his knowledge of our laws and his love of our country!!

    The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed. " - Lloyd Jones

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