Lou Dobbs Tonight
Tuesday May 15, 2007

Tonight, the search continues for the missing soldiers in Iraq.
We’ll have that story. And, the rise and fall of Reverend Jerry
Falwell who died today at 73.

Cardinal Mahony received an award from La Raza and now his
speech is posted on You Tube. The line between church and state
in America has been blurring since Cardinal Mahony was honored
for ‘his long-standing commitment to immigrants and his efforts
to combat anti-immigrant policies’. Join us tonight for that
special report.

The U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote on the Immigration Bill
tomorrow. Will U.S. legislators be able to come to a
compromise? We’ll have the latest developments in the
deliberations over the bill.

Dozens of tunnels used to smuggle drugs, illegal aliens and
potentially terrorists have been exposed underneath the border
in recent years. And tonight, we’ll be examining the Border
Patrol’s efforts to fill one large cross-border tunnel that was
uncovered last year near San Diego. Join us for a full report
on why it’s taking our government so long to fill these tunnels

We’ll also have a report on leprosy cases in America. We’ll
take a look at how widespread the disease is and who is
carrying it.

Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) says trade policies by
Republicans and the Bush administration are failing Americans.
He says Ohio alone has lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs in the
past five years. The Senator joins Lou to discuss a possible

Then, four of the nation's best radio talk show hosts: Laura
Flanders, Air America in New York, Steve Malzberg, WOR in New
York Peter Boyles, KHOW in Denver, and Roland Martin, WVON in
Chicago join Lou.