Immigration – An Uncontrollable Financial Hemorrhage

The Washington Times: ... 002/NATION reported Wednesday that the in-depth analysis of 15 federal departments with respect to the fiscal impact of immigration, both legal and illegal, indicates that the overall cost to the federal government was more than $346 billion last year. This is nearly twice as much as the country’s fiscal deficit and the cost to the U.S. tax payer comes out to more than $9000.00 per year for each immigrant in the nation.

This report puts a major dent in the argument that immigration is good for the American economy, and as far as illegal aliens are concerned, it certainly destroys the phony claim that they somehow benefit the nation’s economy. Obviously the American tax payers would come out way ahead by deporting the illegal aliens. For that matter, we could give each illegal alien in the country $10,000 to leave and we would still be money ahead.