There seems to be more and more stories coming from NC dealing with illegal immigrants. Tarheel reps in DC better begin to pay attention soon or get ready to start sending out resumes next election day! No threat-just a promise.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Undercover vice officers with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police and agents from Immigration Customs Enforcement broke up a fake document ring on Oct. 10 and Oct. 11.

Police say the items were being sold out of a store in Charlotte that was run by illegal aliens in the area.

As police raided the home of 34-year-old Oscar Barrera-Torres, they said he confessed to making more than just bogus Social Security cards and counterfeit permanent resident alien cards. Agents said he told them he was also making fake immunization cards for parents trying to get their kids into local schools.

"These children are being put into the school systems. Officials are thinking they are immunized when in fact they aren't immunized, and the spread of contagious diseases could occur," said Assistant Special Agent Jeff Jordon.

Jordon is the assistant special agent in charge of ICE in the Charlotte area. He said every breakthrough in printing technology leads to more headaches for people trying to stop counterfeiting.

Jordan said it's to the point where some of the fakes look better than the originals.

"To the casual user, you could not tell that was a counterfeit document," he said.

Police said 34-year-old Ramon Escobar-Ramos from Guatemala sold Barrera's fake documents from prearranged meeting places in Charlotte.

Escobar sold two of them to undercover officers at a gas station off of Interstate 77 in south Charlotte, agents said.

Jordan said it's nearly impossible to track down the people who buy the fake IDs.

"What you really want to do is cut the head of the snake off. You go for the individuals producing those in the plant and stop that," said Jordan.