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Monday, February 12, 2007

Immigration Debate Gets Mixed Review

By Sunnie Redhouse
Journal Staff Writer
A debate on illegal immigration left an audience of about 175 people with mixed conclusions Sunday afternoon.
Peter Simonson, executive director of New Mexico American Civil Liberties Union and Bob Wright, deputy national executive director of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, faced each other from opposites sides of what some call one of the most important issues in America.
The debate was held by Congregation Albert's Brotherhood, which has offered forums for public figures and political candidates since the 1960s.
Simonson and Wright began the debate with five-minute presentations of their organizations' positions on the so-called "Border Crisis."
"I think the focus on the border is a distraction to the bigger issues," Simonson said.
Wright said the increase in illegal immigration is due to lack of control at the border, which is why the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps was formed to help stop the number of illegal border crossings.
"The border is the problem. The biggest problem the nation faces today," Wright said. "What we want is a well- thought-out organization that serves the people of our nation."
The introduction was followed by three-minute rebuttals and questions from the audience.
Anita Miller, once a Las Cruces resident living close to the border, said she witnessed pregnant women crossing the border close to their due dates.
"I don't think we can absorb any more immigration," Miller said. "We need to put more pressure on the Mexican government to police their borders."
Elmer Maestas, an Albuquerque resident of 15 years, said the debate lacked important considerations to the history of the United States and Mexico.
"A lot of these people come to talk and they forget we took half of Mexico's land," Maestas said.