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Oct. 3, 2006, 12:18PM

Immigration debate raises terrorism issue
Culberson cites threat to homeland security; opponent says making that link is 'disservice'

By KRISTEN MACKCopyright 2006 Houston Chronicle

U.S. Rep. John Culberson characterized illegal immigration Monday as a threat to homeland security, while a fellow luncheon speaker focused on immigrants' contributions and suggested the link to terrorism has no place in the complex national debate.
"The immigration debate has to be defined in terms of the international war on terror. We are engaged in a long, brutal, ugly war with extremists," said Culberson, R-Houston. He said without citing a source that possible terrorists are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and adopting Spanish surnames.
"Our border is undefended and not enforced," Culberson said. "As long as that exists we are under the threat of attack."
Immigration lawyer Charles Foster retorted that linking terrorism and immigration is a "disservice to the discussion."
"Ninety-nine percent of these people take care of our kids and build our homes," said Foster, who heads the immigration section at the law firm Tindall & Foster, and who was a principal adviser to President Bush on the issue.
"Immigrants are a great asset to the United States. This wave of undocumented immigration is no different than waves of immigrants who have come throughout our history," Foster said.
Culberson said, however, that Congress must secure the borders before it can consider authorizing additional immigration, such as a guest worker program. To do otherwise would "reward illegal behavior by legalizing it," Culberson said.
Foster noted that of all the immigration legislation Congress considered this year, one of a few bills to pass was approval for 700 miles of fencing along portions of the U.S.-Mexico boundary.
"No wall in history has ever kept people out," he said. "Comprehensive reform is necessary. It can't be piecemealed."
The debate was part of the Houston Club Lyceum Distinguished Speaker Series.