Immigration Group Begins Radio Attack Ads
Jun 12, 2006 by Julie Rose

Cannon Under Fire
(KCPW News) Radio ads attacking Congressman Chris Cannon are scheduled to hit Utah's airwaves this week, courtesy of a Washington, D.C.-based political action committee. Team America takes a hard-line stance on border control and immigration reform. The group's chair is conservative pundit Bay Buchanan, who says the ads will quote "expose Chris Cannon's voting record in support of amnesty for undocumented workers."

Cannon defends his position, saying he supported a measure to send National Guard troops to help secure the border. He also supports a guest worker program, but not complete amnesty for immigrants.

Buchanan says Team America has chosen not to donate money directly to Cannon's opponent John Jacob because such gifts are limited to $5,000. Paying for independent radio ads allows the group to spend significantly more money to influence the election.

On June 27th, Republican voters will choose between Cannon and Jacob in a 3rd District Primary.