Libidiot illegal alien hugger Hartford Courant Newspaper:

From the Hartford Courant
Inhumane Anti-Immigrant Plan
October 1, 2007
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Had Mr. Starkowski done so, perhaps he would have reconsidered his proposal to require applicants for heating assistance to produce Social Security numbers as a condition of receiving aid. Mr. Starkowski wanted to weed out illegal immigrants, who are barred by federal law from receiving federally subsidized benefits from programs such as the energy assistance grants.

U.S. statutes, it happens, also prohibit the federal government from requiring that applicants for aid show proof of citizenship, which makes the immigrant rule on benefits extremely difficult to enforce.

Mr. Starkowski attached the Social Security provision to his plan for allocating the $40.9 million in heating assistance that Connecticut receives from the federal government - a plan that must be approved by legislative committees before it can be implemented. We urge state lawmakers to reject this plan.

Congress has passed plenty of laws for regulating the flow of immigration. Failure by the federal government to enforce those laws is partially responsible for the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants living in the country now.

Federal officials should do their job rather than attempt to get at immigrants through a back door by directing states to deny life-sustaining assistance. State agencies, meanwhile, should avoid participating in such machinations. ... 8132.story