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Insanity Reigns -- Gov't 'Aids and Abets' Illegal Aliens! (Part 1)
By Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.
November 14, 2005

As a nation, it seems we've already left behind our proud history, becoming more and more impotent, day by day. We seem to be sitting quietly on the sidelines, while our American culture and language are being ripped from our control! Why have we allowed the government of Mexico to execute a de facto war by encouraging tens of millions of their poorest citizens to illegally enter America? The Mexican illegal alien invasion is an 'act of war' that has reduced our country to nothing but a lawless territory, with little or no sovereignty left!

"Why doesn't immigration surface as a major campaign issue?" Asks Lawrence R. Harrison, a senior research fellow at the Fletcher School at Tufts University, who is the co-editor of "Culture Matters." A recent Rassmussen poll found that: "Seventy-two percent (72%) of white Americans say immigration is an important voting issue for them. Sixty-percent (60%) of other Americans agree."(1) But Harrison believes that: "Powerful political and ideological forces are in play that suppress debate sustaining the inertia of a dubious policy that has huge long-run implications for the size, composition, cohesiveness, and quality of life in America."(2) Perhaps it is time for "We the People" to rise up and take back our country!
It is absurd for America to continue to live under wave after wave of invading Mexican 'migrant armies' of illegal aliens. The current number of illegal aliens is 20 million or more, and counting!(3- The fact that our government has allowed these illegal aliens to overwhelm our country is so outrageous and egregious, that it 'boggles the mind!' With nearly 10,000 illegals entering every day, 90% of whom are Hispanics and Latinos, they WILL, by their sheer numbers, irrevocably alter our American community.(9) They will divide our nation into two languages, two cultures, and two societies.(10) Being and American citizen can no longer be a spectator sport!

Why haven't Americans demanded a stop to the invasion?

Because we have been subjected to mind control! Americans have been insidiously and repetitively indoctrinated and brainwashed by the 'cult of diversity.' For years, we have been subjected to the 'dogma of diversity' a form of 'social engineering' that has been forced upon us.

Just about everywhere, it was demanded that we participate in a Pavlovian experiment and educational subterfuge called 'sensitivity training' which promoted 'cultural diversity.' A process that required us to accept, espouse and apply a multi-cultural orthodoxy, everywhere and everyplace.

As a result, the indoctrination programs have turned us into American 'robots' who have blindly embraced the multi-cultural concept. A doctrine that embraces diversity, which by definition engenders a society and culture that is divergent, different, and disparate, the exact opposite of our national motto -- E pluribus Unum. Out of many, ONE!

Why have we so stupefyingly accepted and followed such propaganda. A concept that requires us to promote and celebrate an American culture of non-assimilation and non-acculturation? One that encourages people who are dissimilar, unalike, and different from one another, to remain that way. A Machiavellian veneration that is the complete opposite of our world famous American 'melting pot' motto. A vibrant concept that represents a dynamic process of a 'coming together' by diverse peoples who willingly assimilate and integrate into our unique, blended American culture!

How did America and its citizens get to this state? It was relatively simple! Once we were indoctrinated with 'multi-culturalism is was easy to stop any dissent concerning the hordes of illegal aliens pouring into America, on the grounds that we were insensitive to 'other' cultures. This kept us passive and inured to the indoctrination.

Then, combined with the multi-cultural mind control by 'sensitivity training,' we were assailed and bombarded by another phenomenon called pc 'politically correctness' or rather 'political castration!' This mean that anyone who objected to the massive influx of illegal aliens was automatically and loudly labeled 'racists, xenophobes and nativists.' This allowed the multi-culturatists and pro-illegal alien, open-borders crowd to keep Americans cowed.

Do you understand now, what fools we true Americans have been? We all sat around, cowed and passive while our country was being invaded by tens of millions of illegal aliens. We kept silent while our own special and unique American culture and unifying English language was ripped from our control and ground into the dirt!

The illegal alien invasion of America now totals 20 million and rising. Of that 20 million, 90% are Hispanics. How can such an overwhelming influx of Spanish speaking Hispanics and Latinos be construed as 'diversity!'

'Without firing a shot' Mexico intends to win their 'de facto' war by leveraging those 'migrant' masses to gain enough political power to shove their balkanizing, racist Hispanic agenda down the throats of America!

How our America Culture and Language are Being Subverted:

Did you know that posting a sign "For Service - Speak English" was ILLEGAL? Not only that, for posting such a sign in Ohio, your business can be condemned as having "engaged in discriminatory practices" and you can be "ordered to remove the sign [and] to pay for advertisements about nondiscrimination, and [your] "staff can be ordered to undergo diversity training or cultural sensitivity training."(11)


"The Ohio Civil Rights Commission spends an amazing $10.7 million a year in state and federal taxes. About $9 million goes to salaries, including fees wasted on lawyers to prosecute Mason bar owner Tom Ullum for his politically incorrect sign, "For Service, Speak English."(12)

Don't you wonder how speaking a language comports to discrimination laws which cover: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age or ancestry. Is English a color, is it a race, or a religion, or a sex, etc., of course not! (13) Methinks that the Ohio Civil Rights Commission has become the Ohio Civil Wrongs Commission. How wacky can you get? Power in the hands of idiots beget idiotic decisions that have a chilling effect on ALL Americans. Wake up America . . . Speak UP and Speak OUT! Especially in English!

A Warning For the Novice: Be prepared to find that much of the Hispanic and Latino rhetoric and propaganda discussed below will be deliberately obfuscating, duplicitous, hypocritical and dishonest! These groups wage blatant 'in your face' campaigns of disinformation by calling themselves 'immigrant advocacy groups' or 'immigrant-rights groups!' They routinely call legislation that eliminates 'public benefits' for illegal aliens, as "anti-immigrant." You will notice, they NEVER say anti-illegal immigrant. The word "illegal" is NOT part of their vocabulary! Without fail, they deliberately obfuscate by using the unspecified term "immigrants" when we all know that the real issue is ILLEGAL immigrants.

Pay attention America: Many pro-illegal alien apologists along with many uneducated politicians, frequently fall back on the fallacious argument concerning unspecified (but usually referring to illegal) "immigrants" by invoking the mantra: "After all we are a nation of immigrants, aren't we?"

The answer to that question is NO! We are a nation of legal immigrants and mostly native Americans, who are not to be confused with American Indians. For a discourse on the subject there is an article titled: Are We a 'Nation of Immigrants' as Claimed by the Pro-Illegal Alien Crowd? which can be found here: (14)

Mexico's Invasion Plan to Reconquista America:

The 'Mexican Manifesto' was brazenly announced in a prominent Mexico City newspaper in 1982. It was very eerily 'Osama like,' in that the invasion plan is NOW, TODAY, so diabolically clear to all. Mexico has planned and then executed a 'stealth war' by invasion and colonization of the United States of America.

Incredibly, the invasion plan is a carbon copy of the illegal alien invasion and balkanization that American citizens have been forced to endure for more than two decades. It is a de facto war . . . "existing or being such in actual fact though not by legal establishment, [or by] official recognition." Now, in 2005 there is overwhelming evidence that we are being invaded by a foreign country, as was declared in 1982 by the following Mexican Manifesto:

"A peaceful mass of people, hardworking, carries out slowly and patiently an unstoppable [illegal alien] invasion, the most important in [Mexico's] human history. You cannot give me a similar example of such a large migratory wave by an ant-like, stubborn, unarmed, [illegal aliens] and carried on in the face of the most powerful and best-armed nation on earth [America]."(15)

But neither barbed-wire fences, nor aggressive border guards, nor campaigns, nor [unenforced American Immigration] laws nor police raids [not unless you commit ANOTHER crime] against the undocumented [illegal aliens], have stopped this movement of the masses that is unprecedented in any part of the world [true].(15)

In 1950 they were called 'Pachucos' (half-breeds) [then came the 'wetbacks' and then the 'braceros']; today they are called 'Chicanos.' They have marked social and family characteristics, agility for adapting to the environment and for conquering a great region [America], once primitive and virgin, that belonged to our fatherland [Mexico] and we lost it [via the surrender Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo after America won the Mexican-American War(16)(17)(1]. But it seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without the firing of a single shot, nor requiring the least diplomatic action [because both presidents, Bush and Fox, have colluded to do so], by means of a steady, spontaneous, and uninterrupted occupation.(15)

The Mexican invasion of America is a 'de facto' war has been carefully planned, artfully directed and arrogantly executed, without a single change or deviation from the original 1982 manifesto! All the while our government, from the president on down has allowed this massive invasion to continue for TWENTY-THREE YEARS! Insanity reigns!

How Mexico Wages Its 'de facto' War:

1. By creating Mexican laws allowing dual citizenship.(19)

2. By legislating the right to vote in Mexican elections by absentee ballot from America, approved in 2005.(19)

3. By promoting nationalism and Hispanic racism. The Mexican government their Hispanic-American shills, sponsor programs and practices that "upholds the political or economic domination of one race over another or others;"(19)(20)(21)

4. By working surreptitiously in concert with Hispanic organizations and politicians here in America, Mexico pursues its 'reconquista' of American land, by actively and blatantly promoting the purist form of racism there is!(22)(19)

5. By 'Meddling' in America's Affairs, in Defiance Of Our Laws: The Mexican government, continuously and blatantly colludes with Hispanic politicians, individuals, groups and organizations here in America, who act as their shills. Sadly and outrageously, nearly all of those Hispanic organizations receive funding, some in the millions, from the Ford Foundation, Carnegie, etc., and many, many corporate 'others,' who want to keep that cheap labor flowing.(22)(19)

6. By Using Mexican shills and operatives including the racist Hispanic organizations like The National Council of La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC and MEChA, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and numerous American politicians and individuals of Hispanic descent. Last but not least, is the ACLU, which is headed by an Hispanic who first worked for, and was groomed by, both the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations.(22)(19)

They all constantly work 'behind the scenes' using our courts, Hispanic advisory counsels and other political access to eliminate any and all actions that might thwart or stop the illegal alien invasion of America that continues at a rate of 10,000 a day.(22)(23)(24)

7. By colluding with Hispanics who have already insinuated themselves into our police departments, mayoralties, schools, jails, hospitals, courts, churches, local townships, legislatures, media and advisory boards, etc. What do you think they will do as their numbers continue to increase through this unchecked illegal alien invasion? 'Without firing a shot' Mexico intends to win their 'de facto' war by leveraging those 'migrant' masses to gain enough political power to shove their balkanizing, racist Hispanic agenda down the throats of America!(22)(19)

Who Are Those 'Migrant Army' Collaborators?

1. Did you know that ALL Hispanic/Latino organizations in America SUPPORT the illegal alien invasion? ALL OF THEM!!! That includes LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) a Mexican-American organization; and The National Council of La Raza (i.e., The Race (Hispanics), who are NOT a race); MALDEF (The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund); and MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan or the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan.

2. "The National Council of La Raza the International Socialist Organization [Communists], the Southern California Human Rights Coalition [Includes illegal aliens] and the San Gabriel Valley Neighbors for Peace and Justice [that's Peace and Justice for illegal aliens, but not for you!] say that "there should be no borders and therefore no illegal immigrants!"(25) The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is an anti-American, pro-illegal alien lobby that receives funding from a very long list of American corporations, which can be found here: (26)

3. MEChA, is an Hispanic anti-white, anti-American organization, or 'Mechistas' as they call themselves, who have arrogantly proclaimed: "For those in the race everything. For those outside the race nothing."(27)(2 A racist, bigoted and arrogant statement which displays ignorance of the fact that the Hispanic raza (race), is NOT a race.

The official national symbol of MEChA is an eagle holding a stick of dynamite in one claw, with a lighted fuse in its beak, and a macahuittle in the other claw. Its founding document is El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan which states that: In spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal "gringo" [that's a slur word for Americans, similar to calling Hispanics 'spics'] invasion of our territories, we the Chicano [Mexican-Americans] inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan [that's the American southwest that the AMERICANS civilized] from whence came our forefathers [a mere handful of Spanish and an infinitesimal number of Mexicans], reclaiming the land of their birth [just being there doesn't give you claim to it] and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood [Spanish, Mexican or both?] is our power, our responsibility and our inevitable destiny [Not if we true un-hyphenated Americans have anything to say about it!].(29)

You can see the MEChA 'macahuittle' war club being used to chop off the head of a Minuteman on highway billboard along Interstate 5 near the US/Mexico border in Southern California here:

4. The Communist - Socialist Connection to Hispanics: The following photograph of protesters shows the MEChA organization combining with the socialist and communists because they all have the same goals of anarchy and the destruction of America. You will frequently find a coterie of communists, socialists and anarchists participating along with Hispanic protesters, railing against any and all attempt to close the borders to the Hispanic invasion or deny 'public benefits' to illegal aliens.(30)

The Communist-socialist/Hispanic coalition gathered together at the Baldwin Park, CA, in a counter-demonstration against the California Save Our State Patriots, who were protesting the seditious Baldwin Park monument. You can see the Hispanics working collaboratively together with the Communists-socialists as they proudly displayed their anti-American literature, seen in this video: (31)

Please do note that the Hispanic protesters never object to their presence, the media never demurs or even bothers to report their presence. But if a 'White Supremacist' or 'White Power' group were to show up in support of a protest against the illegal alien invasion of our country to demand our immigration laws be enforced, you can bet money THAT would make the news! It would also invoke a frenzy of Hispanic demands for lawsuits against the protesters or Minutemen calling them a 'hate group!' Their hypocritical racist 'hue and cry' would then be followed by a supporting outrage by the media, and other defenders of the massive Hispanic invasion and colonization of America!

5. Paul Martinez of LULAC , has said that LULAC . . . "vehemently oppose the minuteman project."(32) Well, of course do . . . they oppose any and all efforts to stop the illegal entry of aliens that are Hispanic and Latinos. They applaud the lawlessness. It is part of LULAC's agenda to encourage the massive illegal alien invasion by Hispanic people in order to increase their numbers and gain political power and eventual societal domination.

Why do we Americans put up with being called 'racist' and 'anti-immigrant' by the truly racist pro-illegal alien Hispanic and Latino organizations, when we demand our immigration laws be enforced against illegal immigrants? Why do we let them get away with such hypocritical accusations of racism? Their blatant, extreme and fanatical racism has been well documented and can be found here in a three part series titled: Blatant Racism by the Pro-Illegal Alien Crowd.(33)(34)(35)

You won't find this kind of racism information in the main stream media, that's why the hypocritical Hispanic organizations constantly get away with calling "We the People" racist when we call for the military on the border and the enforcement of our immigration laws. Wake up America!

6. Hispanics are 'cool' to police's illegal immigration plans: After the shooting death of a police officer by an illegal alien, "Huntsville [Alabama] Police Chief Rex Reynolds . . . made the request of the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE] . . . to get Huntsville police officers federally trained to investigate illegal immigrants in the city." Alabama is the ONLY state to take full advantage of a 1996 federal program to provide training for state police to become ICE assistant agents. Florida has a quasi-program and several other states are considering entering into an agreement with ICE to do the same.(36)

7. But Margaret Rotger, president of the Alabama Hispanic Association believes that: "The move would give officers more power and frighten members of the Hispanic community . . . She said she's 'not for the ones who are here illegally and committing crimes . . . but there are many who are here to make a better life for themselves and their families; that's the ones it's unfair to'. "(36)

You did notice she was not against those who were here illegally, only those that were here illegally AND committing crimes. Illegal alien Hispanics SHOULD be 'frightened' because they broke our immigration laws to enter, reside and work here. They have broken so many of our laws that they could conceivably spend up to 10 years in federal prison. Do you get to break that many laws here in America, and still get to walk around free? Probably not!

8. "A raid at a Durham [N.C.] semiconductor company [a Dept. of Defense (DoD) subcontractor] has caused illegal immigrants who work for other private businesses to stay home, fearful that they will [be] arrested as well . . . People are terrified [illegal aliens should be terrified, they're criminals], said Ann Robertson, an immigration lawyer who represents employers AND who works with the Mexican Consulate in Raleigh . . . said she has never seen a similar situation during the 15 years she has practiced immigration law [we know, we know. . . that's the problem, no enforcement of our immigration laws!]."(37)

Isn't that interesting. Surely Ms. Robertson knows that only those who are in the country illegally need to be afraid. If you are here legally you would have NOTHING to fear! And yet, Tom O'Connel the resident ICE agent said that "he received about 30 phone calls Monday from lawyers representing employers whose workers were absent, and from the Mexican Consulate and its legal team."(3

Don't you wonder, at the audacity of employers having their lawyers calling about employees who are absent? Don't you wonder if they are calling because they KNOW they are illegal aliens. Don't you wonder why the Mexican Consulate and its legal team are involved? Is their motive or intent to try and STOP the raids, which is a common tactic for them? If an illegal alien is arrested he/she has the legal right to get in touch with their consulate, not the other way around! Again we find Mexico meddling in our affairs, which is illegal under our laws. Will the insanity ever end? Not till we Americans rise up and take back our country and force our government to do its job to protect us.

Pay Attention America -- Wake Up!

Unfortunately all of the above Hispanic and Latino organizations and their supporters have become powerful because they have been organizing and infiltrating our society, and infrastructures for decades. In addition, the are heavily funded by the Ford Foundation and many others which has allowed them to "successfully and aggressively promote hatred of the history, identity, culture, language, and laws of the United States."(39)

These racist organizations are working hard to change America into an Hispanic nation. Their goal is to overwhelm us demographically and inalterably change and dominate our culture, society and language. Think about how that will impact you, your children, and your children's children!

Mexico's de facto war has been carefully planned, artfully directed and arrogantly executed, without a single change or deviation from the original 1982 manifesto. At the same time they are working towards their goals, they try to stop those who would stand against them. The first line of attack is to hurl the invective of RACIST! "The purpose of calling someone a racist isn't to change his mind or heart, not to convince others of the veracity of your position. The point is to distract! To intimidate! . . . To silence!"(40)

Once Hispanics Gain Political Power:

Here are examples of what Hispanics do once they gain political ascendancy, and then use their position to further their goal of Hispanic power and dominance, by facilitating the ongoing illegal alien invasion.

1. One flagrant example involves the U.S. House of Representative's Joe Baca, Sr. (D-Rialto, CA) who launched a quest to gain 'proportional equivalence' for Hispanics and Latinos in corporate America's hierarchy and board rooms. Outrageously, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus' Corporate America Task Force, led by Baca, sent a 'racial indices' survey to the top Fortune 100 U.S. companies. It is very evident that the survey and the discussions surrounding it, are patently racist in their intent, evaluation and proposed remedies.(21)

Mr. Baca's explanation was that: "The survey is expected to evaluate Hispanic representation on corporate boards and among management; review employment and promotion practices; measure procurement between corporations and Hispanic-owned businesses; and look at whether these corporations are giving to Hispanic-related philanthropic efforts."(41) As for how to stop the Baca cabal, and others like it, you will find suggestions in an article titled Hispanic Racism Rears its Ugly Head in US Congress.(21) Their arrogance and audacity knows no bounds. If a White caucus were to do a similar 'survey' they would be castigated from 'pillar to post' and then some!

2. Another blatant example occurred when New York Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) made a computerized scan of their driver's license database, and found, then suspended 300,000 licenses with bogus Social Security numbers. While the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, the counterpart to MALDEF which is the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, filed a 'class action' suit by legal (probably for political cover) and illegal 'immigrants' in New York courts to overturn the DMV ruling.(42)
What happened next is very revealing: "New York's state lawmakers, led by the Black, Puerto Rican and Hispanic Caucus, (who carried enough combined votes) retaliated against the DMV by slashing its budget by $750,000. The open-borders crowd argues that illegal immigrants should enjoy the same rights as U.S. citizens."(43)
Outrageously, and once again giving honest decent hardworking Americans another 'slap in the face,' it was announced: "In February, (2005) a New York judge enjoined the DMV from requiring Social Security cards or a satisfactory visa as a condition of license renewal. In Cubas vs. Pataki, the judge also blocked New York's suspension of the 300,000 driver's licenses."(43) The judges' rationale . . . the DMV should not be in the business of enforcing illegal immigrations laws, because that is the federal governments domain.

The judge is wrong, enforcement of our immigration laws is the job of law enforcement everywhere, just ask the Attorney General of New Jersey.(44) In any case the requirement of having a genuine Social Security Number (SSN) is an identity fraud issue and only tangentially relates to aliens who are in this country illegally. If you submit a bogus SSN you have committed a crime. Wake up America! Express you anger at these insane judicial decisions.

How Our American Gov't is Helping Mexico Win the War:

What is truly appalling about the Mexican 'stealth war ' is that many governmental agencies and entities in America have become the proverbial 'fifth column' for Mexico's reconquista war, by 'aiding and abetting' the Hispanic tidal wave. By functioning as a 'fifth column' they are "a group of people who act traitorously and subversively, out of a secret [or not so secret] sympathy, for the enemy of their country."(45)

Our American government is hard at work 'aiding and abetting' the overwhelming Hispanic illegal alien invasion that has trampled our laws and sovereignty, balkanized our neighborhoods, and insidiously and deviously corrupts and degrades our unifying English language, American culture, society and quality of life.

Below are the many ways our own government is 'aiding and abetting' the illegal alien invasion of America:

1. By Abdicating its Constitutional Responsibilities:

Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution states: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion . . .

Members of our Congress take an oath of office, to "preserve, protect and defend our Constitution." They are responsible for ensuring the enforcement of our laws.

The Constitution states that the President of the United States "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed."(46)

2. By NOT Enforcing The Following Immigration Laws:

a. It is illegal to "encourage or induce an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law." 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv).(47)

b. It is also unlawful to conceal or attempt to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, illegal aliens, including any building or any means of transportation. 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii).(47)

c. It is illegal to "engage in any conspiracy to commit any of the preceding acts." 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(v)(I).(47)

d. It's unlawful to 'aid or abet' the commission of such acts. 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(v)(II).(47)

Note: 'Aid and Abet' is to actively, knowingly, or intentionally assist another person in the commission or attempted commission of a crime.(4

e. It is a felony to hire for employment 10 or more illegals, within any twelve month period, knowing they are "unauthorized aliens." 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(3)(A).(47)

Note: A Felony Occurs when the specified crime carries a penalty of more than one year in prison.(49) For ALL the crimes listed above the maximum penalties range from five to twenty years for EACH violation. Where sentences of more than five years indicate additional aggravating circumstances. Note: To hire a just one illegal alien involves a penalty of up to six months in jail, a civil offense.

3. By Allowing Roving Mexican Consulates to 'Aid & Abet' Illegal Aliens: Mexican consulates are permitted to travel around America issuing matricula consular or Mexican ID cards to illegal aliens.(50)(51) By federal law it is illegal for a foreign country to meddle in America's affairs. These roving Mexican consulates, are a blatant show of arrogance and flaunting of our laws that is deliberately unchallenged by our State Department. Shamefully, the roving consulates are frequently provided taxpayer funded public buildings and governmental employees who help Mexico do their 'dirty' work of undermining our laws and country!

It seems that everyone, but our government, is aware that only the 'migrant army' of illegal aliens needs those Mexican issued IDs. Everyone, knows that those who are here legally have official U.S. documents validating their presence. To discover how outrageous and egregious the distribution of the Mexican ID cards have become, read on . . .

4. By Supplying Government Officials to Aid the Mexican Consulates: There are state, county and local governments that are disgracefully providing those roving Mexican consuls with taxpayer-funded public buildings, such as the McKay High School in Salem OR, so that the consulate can carry out their criminal activities of 'aiding and abetting' illegal aliens.(52)

Also 'aiding and abetting' those roving Mexican consulates are American government officials who criminally instruct illegal aliens on how to take advantage of our country's 'public benefits,' federal welfare benefits, banking, mortgage and tax tips, and states like Oregon, who add the 'cherry on top' by also providing illegal aliens with driver's licenses.(52)

(Andrea J. Wright)(52)

"At the 'carrousel of information,' Daniel Quinones of the Oregon Employment Department offered information on finding a job [a violation of federal immigration laws], crafting a resume or starting a small business [all illegal 'aiding and abetting'] . . . 'This is the fastest growing small-business population,' he said of why his agency participated. 'I've seen business owners in the community who started here at this table. Oregon is driven by small business.'(52) That comment spells out for you, why the state 'aids and abets' these illegal aliens, doesn't it?

Don't you wonder if Mr. Quinones knows that what is he doing is illegal? He is 'aiding and abetting' illegal aliens. That's good for up to five years in prison for each and every illegal alien he 'aids.' He is clearly violating our immigration laws. However, perhaps he doesn't care because he knows our immigration laws are unenforced, and as an Hispanic he knows that he can blatantly, without fear, 'aid and abet' the 'migrant army!'

Another who 'aids and abets' . . . "'We're walking hand-in-hand with the consulate,' said Ana Gomez, a DMV [Dept. of Motor Vehicles] transportation service representative. 'We're here because I know that's what they're here for.' Citizenship is not a requirement for obtaining a driver's license in Oregon . . . And because the license is an avenue to employment, banking privileges or the ability to rent an apartment . . . state officials rely on the consulate to ensure the matricula card's security."(52)

You did notice that she too is probably an Hispanic. Outrageously, she has clearly implicated the state of Oregon in the illegal activity of 'aiding and abetting' illegal aliens, which comes with the penalty of up to five years in jail for EVERY violation. To 'induce an illegal alien to enter, to come to, reside and work here' is a TRIPLE FELONY and to participate in a conspiracy to 'aid and abet' their continued presence is ANOTHER CRIME!

"Teri Kaliher with the Taxpayer Advocate Service, an independent organization within the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), was there to walk people through it. In lieu of a Social Security number, people can get a tax identification number and be eligible for child-tax credit, she explained."(52) For those of you who don't know . . . you can get a refund, or handout, or gift of your tax dollars, from the U.S. Treasury, to an illegal alien, for a child-tax credit, WITHOUT THEM EVER PAYING ANY INCOME TAXES!

"At the neighboring table, Stan Wojtyla, a compliance specialist with the Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries, said his role was education and enforcement of labor laws. He said the wage claims, which are printed in English and Spanish, have increased in the home-construction industry in recent years. 'We're here to make sure people know where to turn, . . . We find people constantly who say 'I would have filed a claim, but I didn't know where.'"(52)

Translated, that means if you, an illegal alien, don't get paid by your employer, come to us and we will get you your money. And, if you have a Workmen's comp claim, even if your employer didn't pay into Workmen's Comp we will help you file a claim and sue for your 'rights.' Insanity reigns!

5. By Granting Banks and Others Permission to accept the Mexican ID:

The permission to accept the Matricula Consular Card was granted by the Treasury Dept. over the objections of the FBI and the Justice Dept.(53) Ergo . . . money wins out over law and order!

Yes sir, they are 'secure' as can be. Just take a look at this 'secure' card.

Everyone knows about the lack of 'security' of the matricula consular card, a fact corroborated by the FBI during Congressional testimony of Steve McCraw, Assistant Director of The Office of Intelligence, FBI -- before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims on Consular ID Cards, June 28, 2003.(54)

No major bank in Mexico accepts the card to open an account . . . and now "Guatemala, Honduras, Poland, Peru and El Salvador, aware of Mexico's success, have begun or are considering issuing cards of their own."(55) You do see that the United States is on a 'slippery slope' to mass chaos and anarchy? Are you outraged yet?

Most egregious of all is . . . the idea that a foreign country is roving around America setting up temporary consulates that are "centralized in Mexico City" is a chilling precedent. What if other foreign countries did that! What if China, Iran, Syria or others came here and did the same! It too, is offensive and beyond the pale! Insanity reigns!

These are some of the 2000 Mexicans waiting in line at the McKay High School in Salem, OR for the Mexican ID Cards which will allow them to insinuate themselves even further into the fabric of American society:

(Eliza Gutierrez)(52)

The Mexican illegal aliens take those ID cards and use them to access to our banks, obtain drivers licenses, mortgages, credit cards and other rights and privileges, that are usually reserved for American citizens and legal residents. "The matricula's growing acceptance by U.S. businesses is both a measure of how entrenched illegal immigrants are becoming in American society and of how eagerly the marketplace is courting them."(56) Sickening isn't it?

6. By Allowing a MASSIVE Mexican Consulate System in America!

Mexico has just opened their 46th consulate in St. Paul, Minnesota. For the Minneapolis-St. Paul and surrounding suburbs "it [the consulate] was already a latecomer to a bustling Mexican-American community that included, according to a consular official, 22 churches offering services in Spanish, 9 Spanish language newspapers, 3 tortilla makers and 9 Hispanic - mostly Mexican soccer leagues."(57)

Mexico plans its 47th consulate for Little Rock, AR by the end of 2005. Just how many consulates does Mexico need? Again we find that Mexico is meddling in our affairs which is against our laws. Why is no one saying, enough already? For an excellent discussion on the Mexican meddling read Mexico's Undiplomatic Diplomats by Heather Mac Donald found here: (5

Where is our State Department? Why aren't they protesting this gross illegal violation of having a foreign country meddling in our affairs and 'aiding and abetting illegal aliens, to come to, reside and work in America. Suppose for example, that Russia had opened 47 consulates in America during the 'Cold War' and was able to 'rove' around our country at will. Allowing the Mexican government to do this today, is just as SUBVERSIVE! One could argue even more so, because Russia did not have some 20 million Eastern European cohorts living in our country along with them as does Mexico and their Hispanic and Latino illegal alien 'migrant army.'

7. Monkey See, Monkey Do: Noting the success of the Mexican consulates in America, El Salvador has decided to copy them. Now they too can make it easier for their illegal entrants to blend into our society. Work to give to them all the rights and privileges of our American citizens and legal residents. Who's next in line to become a copycat? Just keep watching the news and you will find out.

Eventually the combined presence of Hispanics will raise a loud cacophony of demands for their 'rights' and our American citizenship will be even further degraded. The goal of many is to have the right to vote. They will overrun our culture, language, society and quality of life. As we bend further and further over backwards . . . the more we give and capitulate the more they will demand!

Woodbridge, VA -- El Salvador Opens Consulate. Why is there a need for a Salvadoran consulate in Virginia? Good question. How is it that: El Salvador, the smallest country in Central America, is well-represented in Prince William County [VA?]. From 2000 to 2004, the number of Salvadorans there more than doubled to 10,948. The 2000 census showed about 40,000 Salvadorans living in Northern Virginia. . . We even have a Salvadoran Chamber of Commerce. 'We never even ask if they are legal,' said Consul Mirian Etelinda Vargas. 'The only thing we do is ask is if they are Salvadoran. If they are, we help them.' . . . Consulate services include a traveling office that visits other locations once a month.(59)

If you understand that northern Virginia is not the only place that Salvadorans congregate, and realize that the census figures never capture the true numbers of illegals, who are usually 'hiding in the shadows,' you can probably double the figures listed above.

Wink, wink, nod, nod . . . EVERYONE knows that most of them are here illegally. Why does our government permit such flaunting of our immigration laws by foreign countries? Isn't it akin to treason for our State Department not to reign in these foreign consuls who are facilitating illegal aliens AND illegallly meddling in our affairs? Doesn't hiding behind 'don't ask, don't tell, make those consulates 'aiders and abettors' of illegal aliens, and guilty of a felony?

8. By allowing ICE and the politicians to 'aid and abet' illegals: "In May of 2004 the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agent in Charge Joseph Webber, and Rep. Gene Green, D-Texas, who called a special meeting, attended by about 400 people. At the meeting, they announced they had no plans to arrest, deport, or hassle the scores [actually tens of thousands] of aliens illegally living and working in the Houston area, according to the Houston Chronicle."(60)

Tom Tancredo, head of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus said: "The fact that an administration official and a United States Congressman, would take such pains to publicly assure people that they have no plans to enforce the laws they are sworn to uphold is, simply put, mindboggling," said Tancredo, "and they owe the American people an explanation."(60) As examples go, it doesn't get more blatant that that! Of course they didn't explain, who's going to make them do that? What was stated is government 'policy' coming from the highest levels.

What can be done to stop the insanity?

The Constitution gives "We the People" but ONE mighty club . . . the ballot box. The Constitutional right, privilege, and duty to vote to 'throw the bums out!' Americans need to exercise their Constitutional rights to put an end the illegal alien invasion. VOTE for anti-illegal immigration candidates that will make certain ALL our immigration laws are enforced. We need legislation to end birthright citizenship, make English our official language, put an end to free education and free medical care and stop ALL 'public benefits' for illegal aliens. If your candidate doesn't support those issues . . . FIND SOMEBODY THAT DOES . . . and VOTE FOR THEM!!!

While president Bush condemns Mexico for their 'racist' post office stamps, he is totally silent about the massive 'human tsunami' of illegal aliens crushing our country. In fact he supports them: By outrageously and erroneously calling our patriotic Minutemen 'vigilantes;' by identifying illegal aliens euphemistically as 'undocumented' (as if they were just missing some kind of paperwork); and by praising illegals for their 'family values' while they break MANY of our immigration laws; while he constantly proclaims that "they are here to do the work Americans won't do," an outright lie and euphemistic camouflage for the invasion.

Bush's solution to the invasion is to rename the 'migrant army' . . . 'guest workers' and give them a path to citizenship as a reward for illegally entering, residing and working in America.

"We the People" Want Our Laws Enforced!

The occupation of America by Mexico's poorest of the poor, clearly elaborated and detailed in the 'Mexican Manifesto' arrogantly announced in 1982, demonstrates a de facto war that has been carefully planned, artfully directed and facilitated by both the Mexican and United States governments. Incredibly, it has been executed without a single change or deviation from the original plan.

Just as with Osama's fatwahs, our government has ignored the pronouncements of the Mexican Manifesto and has egregiously and outrageously facilitated Mexico's 'stealth' war by not enforcing our immigration laws.

Instead our political leaders have engaged in 'aiding and abetting' the illegal alien invasion repeatedly, endlessly and unchecked by our legal system (i.e., Attorney Generals, Lawyers, Courts, Law Enforcement including Dept. of Homeland Security), the executive office (i.e., the Presidency) or legislative bodies (i.e., National, State, County and Local legislatures)!

Our own Government is 'Aiding and Abetting' the Mexican Invasion:

Governmental entities who 'aid and abet' illegal aliens here in America are legion. This article (Part 1) reveals only one thin slice of the entire 'aid and abet' pie of governmental facilitators of illegal aliens. This research will reveal that our government has deliberately violated multiple federal immigration laws in pursuit of their ambition to 'help' illegal aliens as part of their political pandering. In their quest for power, money, votes, or to appease businesses who want 'cheap labor,' or because of the pc (political castration) factor, or multi-cultural fervor, they willingly and blatantly facilitate the Hispanic invasion.

1. What is 'Aiding and Abetting?' To actively, knowingly, or intentionally assist another person [such as an illegal alien] in the commission or attempted commission of a crime.(4 For example 'aiding a abetting' illegal aliens by encouraging or inducing them (with an offer of a job, or a day labor center for finding work), or harbor them with place to stay (by a relative, friend or church), or transport them from place to place (by church groups or health service vans, busses, etc.). By inducing or encouraging them to come to, enter, or reside in America, is to commit several felonies. Further insanities occur when our government allows, encourages and involves its employees in criminally 'aiding and abetting' illegal aliens, thus creating a conspiracy to 'aid and abet,' which are two additional felonies.

2. Even Syria's President Asad laughs at America for not maintaining our own borders but expecting him to police his. Hypocrites that we are! The following is an except from a CNN interview by Christiane Amanpour with Syria's President Bashar al-Assad.

"Amanpour: The United States is extremely angry with you and your government and accuses you of facilitating, providing safehaven and now actively supporting the insurgency in Iraq. What are you going to do to stop doing all that, to stop allowing the insurgents into Iraq?"(61)

"Al-Assad: I wouldn't say this is true. It's completely wrong. You have many aspects of the problem. The first aspect is that no country can control its borders completely. An example is the border between the United States and Mexico; and many American officials told me that they cannot control the borders with Mexico but they end up saying you should control your borders with Iraq."(61) ZZZiiiiinnnnnggg! Right on the money wouldn't you say?

3. The laser visa scam: "The government's systems for identifying, locating and apprehending aliens who have violated the terms of their U.S. visits are inadequate to the task, according to a new report from Homeland Security Department Inspector General Skinner." One of the three systems deployed by ICE indicated that: "Out of 142,816 leads on suspected overstays during 2004, [some] 4,164 cases were referred to field officers, resulting in [a paltry] 671 apprehensions."(62)

When the three systems in use are combined, ICE's Compliance Enforcement Unit (CEU) "received more than 300,000 violator leads from those three programs, according to the IG [Inspector General's] report . . . Other sources of leads include visa revocations by the State Department and biometric referrals based on matched fingerprints with the National Crime Information Center . . . However, many of the leads prove invalid or not actionable. A major shortcoming in the systems is the lack of an exit-control database within U.S. Visit, the IG said."(62)

Translated that means because we don't know who left, we may just be looking for folks who are no longer in the U.S. Wow, how efficient is that? If they took the cost of chasing after a non-existent person and put all that money into a pot, perhaps there would be enough to fund interconnected exit computers at all ports of exit. Seems reasonable wouldn't you say? That way, ICE could concentrate on removing more of those illegal aliens instead of chasing after 'phantom' overstays.

But . . . even with the 11 million dollars Congress appropriated in 2004 to install scanners at all U.S. ports to read the data embedded on the counterfeit-proof laser visa cards, there are still bureaucratic bumbles in enforcement because "over the years, smugglers and spotters have noticed that U.S. Customs inspectors don't always scan the laser visa cards, instead relying on their instincts about [illegal] border-crossers, to speed up the entry process. Last Wednesday, for example, the biometric scanner at the Nogales port of entry wasn't working at all."(63)

"As a result, the illicit laser visa scam is booming in towns like Nogales, Sonora. Hundreds are reported lost or stolen every year, and hundreds more are seized as impostors try to cross through the ports of entry." There are approximately 6 million laser visa holders that enter from Mexico. "While people who lose their visas face strong scrutiny, impostors are not prosecuted until they've tried to get across the border two or three times . . . Arresting everybody who tries to get in with another person's via would overwhelm the prison system [which illegal alien are aware of]. . . So, using the same rules that the U.S. Border Patrol uses, those caught on their first time are simply documented, checked for criminal backgrounds and released [per the 'catch and release' policy of DHS]."(63)

Do you suppose that those who are released keep it to themselves about having received no punishment for breaking the law? Of course not. They will tell anybody and everybody and the word gets 'out' that there is no penalty for breaking the law, so many more will do the same. That's a form of 'aiding and abetting' illegal behavior being routinely practiced by our own government. Lock up a few, and maybe the many will reconsider the cost and change their minds about trying to subvert the system. Set up some of those tents in the Arizona desert, and stash them there like the AZ Sheriff Arpiao has done. Never lock anybody up, and they will come here in droves. Which of course is what they already do!

4. ICE Chases After Art Thieves: "Special agents from ICE, working for years in an international joint operation, have assisted in the recovery of major works of art that were stolen five years ago from a waterfront museum in Stockholm, Sweden. . . The investigation into that crime was a joint effort by members of the Organized Crime Task Force in Los Angeles (ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement], the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI], The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Los Angeles), law enforcement authorities in Sweden and Denmark and the ICE and FBI Attaches in Copenhagen, Denmark."(64)

"This case is a testament to the power of multi-agency cooperation and tenacious police work. From the discovery of the initial lead to the recovery of the second painting earlier this week, the officers in this case logged hundreds of hours and crisscrossed two continents," said Loraine Brown, ICE Special Agent-in-Charge is Los Angeles. "And because of those efforts, art lovers around the world will again be able to enjoy these masterpieces for generations [see painting above]. . . The investigation is continuing in Los Angeles and overseas."(64)

Well, now I guess we know why ICE doesn't have enough money to go after those pesky, millions upon millions of illegal aliens who have invaded our country. It was more important to spend the man hours, personnel and dollars crisscrossing two continents chasing after art thieves so that 'art lovers around the world' can enjoy seeing some masterpieces. All the while they were in pursuit or art, our quality of life has been descending into the chaos of anarchy because they were too busy to defend America against an illegal alien invasion. Makes you sick, doesn't it?

They're not here just to pick the lettuce and grapes!

The stories that follow represent just the 'a pin-prick on the tip of the iceberg' when it comes to describing the deliberate, systematic, and disgraceful lack of immigration law enforcement. Our government has allowed a human tsunami of illegal aliens to overwhelmingly invade our country with impunity. If the borders were sealed by our military, so many problems of cost, manpower, crime, the overcrowding of our hospitals, schools and jails would decline. And yet the situation continues on, and on, and on.

That our governance from the president on down has allowed this lawlessness to continue year, after year, after year, is a national disgrace that has cost billions of taxpayer dollars, and the preventable deaths and injury to many Americans. To think that America, the land of laws, is this close to anarchy is gut wrenching, sobering and so unnecessary. The grief and pain of the Mexican invasion of illegal aliens is so overwhelming that most can only shake their heads in disbelief and disgust. Mr. President before total anarchy reigns, put the military on the border and enforce our immigration laws.

Read on to learn about the insanity that reigns . . .

1. What Happens to 'Plain Vanilla' Illegal Immigrants? Basically . . . nothing. "ICE says it focuses on putting individuals in jail only if they are a threat, like if they're sexual predators."(65) Never mind that they are here illegally and by doing so they have committed several crimes and should be deported. In order for ICE to do their job, the illegals have to commit ANOTHER crime, in addition to their immigration crimes, before ICE does their job and arrests them for deportation. And . . . just exactly how does ICE know, out of the 10,000 a day that illegally enter America, WHO will commit those crimes in the future. Just because they haven't in the past, doesn't mean the won't in the future.

2. As for the ICE database for checking to see if an alien is wanted for OTHER crimes, or believed to be a threat to national security, it "cannot provide information about people who've never been entered into it . . . 'Clearly, we do arrest people who are simple illegal aliens, but we work within the priorities of the agency, as does any law enforcement agency' said Gilhooly [spokesman at the ICE's Law Enforcement Support Center], whose center received 667,500 inquiries in 2004 from law enforcement officials around the country."(66)

That's government double-speak for . . . unless they are something more than just being an illegal alien criminal, we will wait till they commit another crime first, THEN we will apprehend them AGAIN, after letting them go the first time they had their hands on them. Those 667,500 inquiries frequently involved more than one illegal alien that was in police custody. Multiplied by a very reasonable factor of three and you have SOME idea of the magnitude of the illegal alien invasion that is simply 'brushed off' on a regular basis, day in and day out! Insanity reigns!

Even when illegal aliens do commit another crime . . . "Generally, detainees [illegal aliens] are treated like suspects arrested for other offenses. Based on the circumstances, they might be jailed, released on bond or released on their own recognizance with an 'order to appear' for a hearing before a federal immigration judge. The judge may order immigrants removed, but their appeal process can take YEARS!!!"(66) It may take years, because there is an entire industry of lawyers who make a living fighting to keep them from being deported. Disgusting, isn't it?

3. Deportation laws stymied: "Immigration agents Wednesday rounded up 50 foreign-born New Yorkers who have been convicted of sex offenses, including child molestation and rape, but remained free after receiving relatively light punishments [in violation of our immigration laws which requires deportation when their punishment ends]."(67)

Of the 50 perverts, fourteen were legal permanent residents and the rest were illegal aliens. ICE's explanation showcases yet another flaw in our disgraceful, dysfunctional immigration enforcement system: "There is no centralized system that alerts federal immigration officials whenever a visitor to the United States is convicted of a crime." Instead ICE agents "rely on information provided, usually on a voluntary basis, by police departments, court officials and correction agencies."(67)

Further aggravating the problem is that sanctuary cities like Los Angeles, maintain a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy of determining whether its inmates are illegal or not! However that is beginning to change, but only because of the cost of incarceration, not to enforce our immigration laws. However, the Hispanics, and organizations like MALDEF are fighting hard to stop ANY requirement to determine whether or not an inmate is here illegally in order to invoke the deportation procedure.


4. Gangs Use Deportation to its Advantage to Flourish in US: Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang member Melvin 'Joker' Cruz-Mendoza makes his fourth deportation flight to El Salvador. "He was a minor when he was deported in 1997 and again in 1998, federal immigration officials said. In December 2003, he was convicted of attempted robbery . . . In March 2004, he pleaded guilty to a second felony of drug possession, which was dismissed in a sentencing deal for the attempted robbery."(6

"After serving little more than a year in jail . . . [he] was deported for a third time in January . . . U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested him in Arizona a month later. At that point, he could have been charged with a felony for reentering the country after deportation, which could have landed him in federal prison for as long as 20 years. Instead, federal court records show he struck another plea deal with the U.S. attorney's office in Arizona, admitting to a 'petty offense' of being in the country illegally. He was order to serve 90 days and pay a $10 fine, and was put on the July flight to El Salvador."(6

You did notice that they didn't even fine him the cost of the airfare but instead charged him a measly ten bucks. He must be 'laughing all the way to the bank' because: "As an experienced border crosser, Cruz-Mendoza says, he can get up to $3,000 per person by bringing other -- including MS-13 members -- north with him. After getting to Guatemala, he tells a reporter, he and his customers will catch buses to northern Mexico. Then, if all works out, he says he'll cross over with money in his pockets. . . By late September, Cruz-Mendoza is back somewhere in Los Angeles, according to family members in El Salvador."(6

"Prisons in El Salvador have become nerve centers, authorities say, where deported leaders from Los Angeles communicate with gang cliques across the United States . . . Deportations have helped create an 'unending chain' of gang members moving between the U.S. and Central America, said Rodrigo Avila, El Salvador's vice minister of security."(6

"Catching convicted felons as they attempt to re-enter the U.S. has become commonplace, said Border Patrol spokesman Aerr Eltrinham. Since October 2004 [seven months], agents have detained 21,180 illegal border crossers with criminal histories. This is an almost 500 percent increase over similar apprehensions in 2003, he said."(69) Keep in mind that the border patrol only catches approximately one out of every four that cross the border.


The most insane and egregious act of 'aiding and abetting by our gov't!

In 2005, during hearings held by the U.S. Senate, Victor X. Cerda, the acting director of detention and removal operations for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said that "One million people facing immigration proceedings have been released into the general population [that's onto the streets, cities, towns and communities of America]. . . . Of those people, 465,000 are fugitive aliens who have been ordered deported. About 80,000 of those are criminal aliens who have committed an offense in addition to immigration violations. . . . [and they] include murderers, rapists and child molesters, [according to] Mr. Cohn [deputy assistant attorney general]."(70)

Doesn't that make you so mad you could scream? They could not have committed those crimes here in America if they were kept OUT in the first place. Our laws state that if you are an alien, legal or illegal, and you commit a crime you are to be DEPORTED. Common sense tells you that when we have felons in our custody for crimes and then we release them onto the streets of America, instead of deporting them, that is a definition of governmental insanity!

"Top officials at the Department of Homeland Security recently revealed the arrest for child sex crimes during the first two years of Operation Predator have exceeded 6,000 and 85 percent [that's 5100] of them are criminal immigrants."(71) We need to demand that President Bush put our military on the borders and enforce our immigration laws.

Speaking of our military, did you know that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had deployed a "team of CBP officers and Border Patrol agents to Iraq to help secure Iraq's borders. . . . Of the 192 countries in the world, the United States currently has military units stationed in 135 of them."(72)

Just think . . . the United States military has secured the borders between North and South Korea for more than FIFTY years. There are currently 36,000 troops assigned to Korea's border duty. We need to bring them home and station them on our borders. How insane is it that the American Military secures the borders for countries around the world, while our own borders are left WIDE OPEN!!!

'Catch and Release' is Government Insanity Personified:

What is 'Catch and Release? It is a policy maintained by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who claim it is necessary because of lack of funding for detention beds for captured aliens, and a lack of funding for law enforcement personnel such as Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) and their interior counterpart of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Because the CBP agents and border inspectors apprehend so many illegal aliens crossing the border, most are simply sent back with no criminal charges being filed. What that insane system begets is as follows:

1. A Mexican smuggler was caught 76 times and deported. He was a 'documented alien smuggler' who is finally serving a measly four years in a federal prison. Enrique Lopez Arroyo, 23, "worked to keep his true age a mystery, authorities said in court papers. In 1999, he was arrested shortly after he turned 18, but he gave agents a copy of a birth certificate that would have made him 16 at the time. Mexican officials later confirmed that birth certificate was a fake, agents said. The system the Border Patrol uses to keep track of people had yet another birth date for him. Lopez escaped from a bus in which he was being held in 2000, agents said. He told them last year that after escaping he walked to a remote Indian casino, where he got a ride."(73)

"Because Border Patrol agents and border inspectors apprehend so many people crossing the border, most are simply sent back with no criminal charges being filed." Which means they never get put into the ICE criminal database, so that the next time they invade America they will again be let go because their name will STILL not be in the database.(73)

Did you know that: "Immigration officials are required to follow a strict protocol when dealing with juveniles. Authorities have to contact their consulate AND their parents and make sure that the youngsters know their right to not answer questions."(73)

It seems that illegal aliens are granted ridicules 'rights' for someone who has broken our laws and shouldn't be here in the first place. Why do we bend over backwards to cater to them. Let them tell their parents themselves when they call them from jail after they are locked up for illegal entry to our country. No wonder they keep coming! They play the American legal system like a violin.

2. DHS lets go 68,000 'OTMs' or 'Other Than Mexican' illegal aliens. In the first nine months of 2005, "[n]early 70 percent, or 68,000 of the more than 98,000 OTMs were detained [then they] were released almost immediately because of the government's inability to return them to their home country and a lack of detention facilities to hold them . . . Less than 13 percent [of those 68,000, or only 8