Excerpts from EIR Magazine
The Editorial
August 5, 2005

In his major document "The Case of a Vice President's Mass Insanity," published in last week's EIR, Lyndon LaRouche shocked many by his bluntness on the evil character of Diick Cheney. ~~~~~~~~
EIR is uniquely qualified to provide this historical background, having pioneered in unearthing the links between the family of George W. Bush, and those non-German financial interests who played a crucial role in bringing Hitler to power. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cheney is merely an underling, but one who implements the vicious will of his Synarchist masters with even greater brutality than they would dare to show. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
The very same Synarchist bankers and families who created Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco, escaped the Second World War, and are alive and well today. They have never given up their intentions to run a worldwide fascist empire, or to destroy the one real obstacle to that objective, the Constitutional republic of the United States. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dick Cheney ~~~~~~ is not an ambitious Republican making wrong judgments. He is a dangerous Nazi, whose position of power threatens the very future of our republic, and that of the world as a whole. If he is not stopped, he will not only spark nuclear war,but carry out a coup against our republic. This is an immediate dangwer, and it's on the August agenda.
Cheney must be removed from office, now!

Cheney Will Succeed in Making America a Dependent Nazi/Fascist Colony, If He Isn't Removed from Office, NOW!
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Taken from the LaRouche Operational Briefing
Lyndon LaRouche's `Guns of August' mobilization to stop Dick Cheney from launching a second 9/11, and a third, nuclear Asian war, is grounded in LaRouche's thorough understanding that Cheney represents a synarchist force in desperation, and of how synarchist financiers act on their ``fear of peace'' in a financial/economic crisis. The financial spoor of Cheney's synarchists has been on display, flagrantly, in the huge, corrupt real estate swindle which is called Donald Rumsfeld's Pentagon's Base Realignment and Closure Plan--which, ironically, also weakens the United States militarily, and U.S. ``homeland security,'' in the midst of war.
While that BRAC plan is dramatically heating up the anti-Cheney split in the Republican Party, the part of it which is sailing through--the closure of Walter Reed Hospital and the shifting of large military/civilian office complexes out of the Washington area--is a disgusting real estate bubble/boondoggle. It features Wall Street financial networks and their controlled instrument, the late Katherine Graham's {Washington Post}; and LaRouche has been battling this treasonous looting gang since the beginning of his fight to save D.C. General in 2001.

Lyn emphasizes that the fight he's waging against BRAC's closing the nation's leading military hospital, Walter Reed, is the very same battle he began over D.C. General. ``Washington's not going to be a good place to live, but a great place to die,'' was the policy of the dirty real-estate looters Katherine Graham represented, who wanted the D.C. General site for a boondoggle; and it's their policy in demanding the prime 113-acre Walter Reed campus now for real estate speculation, wounded soldiers from the Iraq disaster be damned.

And they want that site {fast}--as D.C. bankers'-mayor Anthony Williams greedily blurted out yesterday--even though a supposed replacement for Walter Reed, at the Bethesda Naval Hospital campus, is not even on the drawing boards. BRAC is also closing Andrews AFB hospital, where wounded returning soldiers go {before} Walter Reed; and it's closing nearby Ft. Monroe ``because the developers want it real bad,'' as a Virginia reporter said yesterday.

This time, the military and national survival of the United States is at stake because of the bigger nationwide real estate swindle encompassed by BRAC, destroying American national economic and defense capabilities in the midst of Cheney's imperial war drive. In addition to LaRouche, Sen. John Warner has taken a leading point position confronting Rumsfeld's swindle, and named the real estate boondoggle motivation to it. Warner attacked Rumsfeld's ``rigged'' BRAC plan on Aug. 23, on the eve of the final BRAC hearings, in statements that we failed to report in the Aug. 24 briefing, and now report below. In the midst of LaRouche's drive against Cheney, and Republican outrage at the Cheney/Rumsfeld atrocity, Warner's leading role could help the Senate defeat the entire policy.

LaRouche's ``Cheney's Mass Insanity'' and his warning, ``If there's a new 9/11, Cheney did it,'' have absolutely saturated Washington, government and environs, during this week. Yesterday an {EIR} intervention hit hard a highly publicized attempt by Cheney's neo-cons, and their MeK terrorists, to put out a ``new revelation'' to justify nuclear attack on Iran. At the same time the ``Able Danger'' story, intersecting {EIR}'s ``Spoonbenders'' bombshell, is spreading in the region. Organizers report citizens generally are already well aware of this potential 9/11 expose; and yesterday, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, Republican Arlen Specter, began to demand FBI documents and interviews about it.

We have to defeat Cheney now because we're facing a war driven by oncoming financial disaster; and there are few bigger, clearer examples of the causes of this disaster, than desperate financiers' demand to grab military facilities of the United States to feed Alan Greenspan's real estate bubble.

Source: Washington Post A1, USA Today 4A, 24 Aug 2005]
Virginia Senator John Warner, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, charged that Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and a senior aide improperly manipulated the national base realignment plan to compel the movement of more than 30,000 defense jobs away from the Washington area. Warner made the charges in an interview reported in the Washington Post on Wednesday Aug. 24, 2005, just before the BRAC commission's vote on the closings. Other Republican Senators have since joined in the attack.
(Lyndon LaRouche said on Thursday, upon hearing of the BRAC comission vote to close Walter Reed and the northern Virginia office space, that he thinks Warner was double-crossed and won't be happy. The question now is, what is Warner going to do?)
Warner came close to declaring the base closure scheme a real estate swindle in his Wednesday Washinton Post interview, saying that Rumsfeld's team used the base realignment process to achieve other goals, "specifically, unrelated real estate management goals." The Pentagon planners considered all leased space as less desirable than owned buildings. This was the cited reason for the BRAC decision to move more than 20,000 employees out of leased office space in Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia. Warner said that Congress intended the base-closing procedure to focus on one issue, efficiency ("military value," in the Pentagon jargon). "In simple terms, the military value model was rigged," Warner said.
Rumsfeld has never said publicly why the Pentagon wants to disperse defense jobs away from Washington. When Warner's committee asked the Pentagon to disclose its legal reason for the closures, it invoked attorney-client privilege, Warner told the Post.
Other Senate Republicans have expresed anger at Rumsfeld and the BRAC commission. Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) accused the BRAC Commission of bias. Rep. Rob Simmons (R-Conn.) is still irked that the New London Naval Submarine Base was a target, although it was saved at the last minute. South Dakota Republican John Thune said he was "extemely disappinted in what in my view was the Secretary of Defense's poor judgment," referring to the targeting of Ellsworth Air Force, the second largest employer in his state.

Source: Wash Post, Bal. Sun 26 Aug 2005
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the world-famous U.S. military hospital and research center located on 113 wooded acres of prime real estate in northwest Washington, DC, is slated to close, as a result of an 8-0 vote Thursday by the Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC).
Washington Mayor Anthony Williams, who presided over the closing of DC General Hospital in Southeast Washington to make way for a baseball stadium a few years ago, said he hopes the federal government will move quickly to turn over the Walter Reed property to the district. The land is expected "to provide numerous public and private development opportunites," according to the Washington Post. Behind Williams and the corrupt commissioners who voted this closing are the silent partners of real estate rip-off artists, the Washington Post, and the corrupt gang that earlier shut down DC General.
The BRAC commission voted to consolidate some of Walter Reed's activity into a new 340-bed hospital to be built at the National Naval Medical Center, three miles away in Bethesda, Md. Most of Walter Reed hospital's 5,600 employees will be offered jobs at Bethesda or at Fort Belvoir in northern Virginia. Walter Reed's world-class medical research capability will be shut down and re-partitioned among other sites, including one as far away as Fort Sam Houston in Texas.
The BRAC decisions also stripped the DC area of the medical facility at Andrews Air Force Base, which includes a specialized brain and neurological treatment capability and a 60-bed hospital. The relocations of Defense Department operations from Arlington and Alexandria will put as many as 18,000 people onto the already congested roads around Fort Belvoir in southeast Fairfax County, Virginia, and overburden local schools already packed to capacity. But local newspapers are already touting the investment opportunities for contractors in the areas where relocated employees are expected to move.

Source: Specter letter, Aug. 24, 2005; AP, Aug. 25, 2005
Sen. Arlen Specter, as Chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee, has written to FBI Director Mueller, asking him for all information on the secret military intelligence program Able Danger, located in the Special Operations Command, which reportedly identified Mohamed Atta in 1999-2000. Two Army officers, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer and Capt. Scott Phillpott, have come out openly and described the program, and have said that the 9/11 Commission buried the information given to them about the program.
Specter's letter said, in part:
"It has been reported in the news media and directly to my staff that Army Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer was the operations officer for a secret military program referred to as Able Danger. The mission of Able Danger was to use a sophisticated data mining program in conjunction with more traditional military intelligence methods to identify and track al Qaida terrorists overseas. "In connection with this mission, Shaffer reports that he and his associates discovered the names and U.S. locations of three of the four 9-11 pilots a year prior to 9-11. Because the suspected al Qaida terrorists were located in the U.S., Shaffer reports that he made repeated requests of Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) officials to schedule a meeting with FBI officials in order to present this intelligence to the FBI for further investigation. Shaffer further contacted FBI agent Xanthig Mangum and asked her to schedule such a meeting within FBI. Shaffer states that he made this request both verbally and by email to Agent Mangum. Shaffer claims that the DIA decided not to share this information with the FBI on the advice of legal counsel and that certain meetings that had been scheduled on this issue were cancelled as a result.
"This is an official request that your office provide to the Judiciary Committee all information and documents it has in connection with Able Danger, Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer, Captain Scott Phillipot or any other persons having any connections with Project Able Danger, including, but not limited to, email communication, notes, phone message slips, memos or any other supporting documentation.
"I would appreciate it if you would provide Agent Mangum for an interview with my staff at your earliest convenience. Also, please provide information concerning any and all requests made to the FBI by any other entity, agency, branch or commission in connection with Agent Mangum, Lt Colonel Shaffer, Project Able Danger or any related matters, including, but not limited to, requests for interviews or documents."

No question anymore! President Bush is a hopeless case. He is a Puppet with a God Syndrome for the World Synarchists (Nazi/Fascist One-Worlder Looters of Nation States). Look at His Accomplishments! All have had the effect of destroying our American Republic. Look at the Horrible status of your country ~~ no meaningful jobs, and the biggest bankruptcy in the wings, GM, can you believe it? And poor Bush is sent out to sell his snake-oil privatization "plan" to loot Social Security and fails.

Where are the plans for developing jobs through water, railroad, airline and the "Mars CITY" Science driver Projects? They do not exist because the Bush Crazies are intent on ruining America and its people(you and me). So you see before your eyes the destruction of our railroads, our steel, lumber, auto, and tooling industries, our airlines and our general welfare(shredding the Constitution of the United States of America).

Look at the billions wasted to pump up the stock market and the housing market.
Look at the billions wasted in this war to destroy Iraq for no reason.
Look at the alarming rate of war dead.
Look at the rising tide of unemployed.
Look at the horrible nazi "advisers" Bush has collected, such as Shultz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice.
Look at those others such as Ashcroft, Henry Kissinger and his sidekick Zbigniew Brzezinski?
Look at the great successes in voter suppression which appears to have gotten them in office to finish the job of destroying America.
Look at our representatives in Congress not fully awake to the dangers these nazi/fascists have done and are doing to destroy our Republic, if not stopped now.
It has been said by too few students of History, that some of the Presidents of the United States of America performed such acts against their country that if they had not been Presidents, they would have been called traitors.

Is not George W. Bush as influenced heavily by his "advisers", a good example? What say You?

We must labor, now more than ever, to gain knowledge to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our nation, and our "next generation". In these declining times, we have a dependency on others to prepare the information that determines our very lives. These pages are prepared to give all concerned and patriotic Americans the chance to grow in thought and ideas, to join the fight this minute for a RESTORED United States of America.


Bush and his Gang want Your Attention on Iraq,
So They can Dismantle America Crack by Crack.

Your Country is a REPUBLIC, Not an Emperor's Toy!
Though Bush Plays Dictator with the Utmost Joy.

The Heavens Opened Wide, and Only One heard the Voice,
"Dear Mr. Bush, You Certainly weren't MY Choice!"

Fascism in America is simply this pure,
Bush Gives to the Rich, while looting the poor.___