Denison man sentenced for meth, identity crimes

SIOUX CITY -- A Denison man was sentenced to five years in prison for distributing methamphetamine and falsifying identification documents.

According to a statement issued today by the U.S. Attorney's Office, 25-year-old Francisco Pelayo was sentenced Thursday in U.S. District Court in Sioux City.

In addition to the prison sentence, he received four years supervised release.

On April 22, Pelayo pleaded guilty to distributing methamphetamine, using false documents to obtain employment and false use of a social security number.

According to the statement, Pelayo sold methamphetamine to a confidential informant on Nov. 20, 2007.

Pelayo, a Mexican citizen, also used someone else's social security number in Dec. 2004 to gain employment in Denison, Iowa.

-- Molly Montag
