NEWS & VIEWS>>>!!!

By Jim Kouri, CPP on Jul 10, 2006

Karl Rove, President George W. Bush's political advisor, and Senator Sam Brownback (R-TX), are planning to meet with the the left-wing Mexican group La Raza this week.

La Raza is considered by many to be a radical racist group promoting hatred towards the "Gringo." In fact, La Raza means "The Race."

Former President Bill Clinton heads the list of speakers for the annual meeting of La Raza's national council. The Rev. Jesse Jackson will appear on a panel. Observers say they expect to see the likes of Clinton and Jackson meeting with a racist group of Mexicans, but they are surprised that two supposed conservative Republicans would give the group credibility by meeting with them.

Some Washington insiders believe that President Bush is continuing to make overtures towards Latino groups that advocate open borders and that many in the Republican Party see this as an opportunity to appeal to illegal aliens thereby garning a larger share of the Hispanic vote.

"While attempting to court the Hispanic population, the GOP appears to be willing to get into bed with a Marxist, racist bunch," said Mike Baker, a GOP political analyst.

While the US Senate's so-called amnesty bill is regarded as being "dead in the water," the President and several GOP senators continue to work with liberals in the Democrat Party to get some of the provisions in the senate bill passed by the staunch conservatives in the House of Representatives.

However, critics are disturbed that a senior Bush Administration official would meet with the group La Raza—a group recognized by many as racist. Would they meet with members of the Aryan Nation?

These critics also see the irony of GOP members of the House holding "field" hearings with Americans about illegal aliens, border security, and terrorism, while members of the Bush White House are meeting with a group that advocates the return of several US states to Mexico as well as completely open borders with legal status for all.

Angelica Salas, a La Raza leader, in their literature discussing the 12 million illegal aliens, most of whom are Mexican, said, "We will be working to turn those 12 million into new voters by 2008."

Perhaps that's what got Rove out to Los Angeles: twelve million new voters—illegal voters

Article provided by North Coast Republican Club. **No link is available**