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Kennedy, McCain hide behind blond corpse

Posted: February 27, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Mychal Massie

As America sat smitten with the residual spectacle of the human tragedy, i.e., the train wreck that was sadly the life of Anna Nicole Smith, Ted Kennedy and a small army of lobbyists were putting the finishing touches on a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that will make it even easier for illegals to become citizens, with weaker enforcement provisions than in the highly criticized S.2611 legislation approved by the Senate last year.

I could ask 100 well-educated, presumably well-informed individuals what last year's version of S.2611 was and what the effect of same would be – and I'll bet faschnachts to brie and pink champagne spritzers that not one of those polled would have a clue.

However, ask these same people anything – from the late Miss Platinum's shoe size to who was either foolish enough or desperate enough to be intimately (ahem) involved with her – and every one of them would be able to discuss same.

Ask them why it is necessary to even have immigration-reform in the first place – they would stutter and stammer for an answer. Asking these same 100 individuals why the airwaves are polluted with the pathetic images of life's road kill – who are willing to further reduce themselves and make a mockery of the judicial system for a few bucks and 15 minutes of face time on camera – and they would have no difficulty responding.

Herein lies the tragedy: Preachers to principals to technicians to candlestick makers can speak in worthless detail pursuant to that which is of no benefit whatsoever. But when it comes to being informed and knowledgeable about that which is of paramount importance to each individual, they are as miserably ignorant.

My point is this: You, America, may be sleeping – you may be laughing and gossiping away – awash in the latest version of "it was a wasted life" – but those who are committed to controlling your every breath and action are not so caught up.

While the print media, talk radio, the networks and the cable news networks are going 24/7 with the Smith spectacle – Kennedy and his lobbyists, with the help of John McCain, the ACLU, La Raza and several other ultra-liberal groups, including the Service Employees International Union, drafted the referenced bill, which the Washington Times reports could conceivably be ready for floor action in April ("Senate illegals bill near complete"; Charles Hurt, Feb. 22).

My question is: Which is more important – a bleach-blond corpse whose life was a series of episodic train wrecks, or tens of millions of illegal lawbreakers getting a pass? With the increasing of the minimum wage, who thinks this nocturnal act of treason by Kennedy, McCain, et al., is in any way designed to help poorly educated whites and blacks? This is an attempt to find an obedient underclass that will do as they are told – at least for the immediate future. But more on that thought in the next column.

The media are spending time on Smith, I've heard it said, because Smith is newsworthy – to which I inquire "in what way?" Besides lining your cat's litter box with the paper it is printed on, or using the sleeves the paper is delivered in on rainy days as a fill bag when walking Fido – just what makes it newsworthy?

You better wake up America, because the media are calling the tune, and you are dancing the dance. Kennedy, McCain, the ACLU and a supportive George Bush are about to do to us the same thing the pathetic losers claim as sufficient reason to be awarded custody of Smith's daughter.