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AFL-CIO goes after CAFTA, on TV:-
WASHINGTON | July 20, 2005 10:24:27 PM IST

The AFL-CIO began airing U.S. TV commercials Wednesday against the proposed Central American Free Trade Agreement.

The ads are running in seven states and urge viewers to contact their elected representatives about opposing the free trade deal.

The nation's largest organized labor organization says the North American Free Trade Agreement cost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Now Congress is considering another bad deal...CAFTA... which will have the same, disastrous effect, driving more of our jobs to six more low-wage countries, says the announcer. The ad lists how many jobs were lost due to NAFTA in each state.

CAFTA will rip jobs out of our communities and line the pockets of giant corporations at workers' expense, said AFL-CIO President John Sweeney. These elected leaders must say 'no' to sending their constituents' good, family-supporting jobs overseas to sweatshops.