A Former Officer Says LAPD Hiring Now Diversity-Driven At Expense Of Catching Criminals; etc.

From: Jim

Re: Brenda Walker’s Column: The Thin Blue Line Is Compromised At The Top

I applaud Walker’s article on illegals murdering police officers. Her insight on political influence and decision making by scum like Los Angeles Police Department Chief William Bratton is accurate.

If William Parker, LAPD's ex-police chief who purged the department of corruption in the 1950's were alive today, he would go into convulsions.

Bratton is a pure politician of the worst kind. District Attorney Steve Cooley isn't far behind. Cooley could have indicted Roger Cardinal Mahony for harboring of pedophiles in the Catholic Diocese of Los Angeles. Instead, he attended masses Mahoney led.

I worked at the LAPD for years. I was there when Special Order 40 was invoked. During that time, however, officers were concerned more for their country than LAPD policy. When criminal aliens were discovered, we contacted the INS (now ICE) who promptly responded and removed the subjects. The result: a sudden drop in crime rates. Duh!

Today, LAPD hires functional illiterates based upon skin color and sexual deviancy. It lives on a reputation made by officers from an earlier era with character and conviction…in other words, true heroes and not politically correct cowards.

Jim worked for LAPD on a special assignment where he and his fellow officers hunted, captured and brought to justice violent serial predators. Send him mail c/o witan@vdare.com